oooooooooooooooooooooooo~~ lol haha
i love all thoes defence trap and maze
i just noticed i like speed limits maps
Tomarrow is the day that I am having my testers test version 8.8. Hopfully there is nothing wrong with it and I can finish it all up and release it the next day.
I hope that the administration takes my map and puts it into their directory for people to download as well. I would hate it if they wouldn't put it in there...
-Joshgt2/Joshgt3 (myself)
-DarkMewtwo/RJ Fighter
-(anyone else)
-(anyone else)
Well, I can say that our tests went pretty well, 'cept we kept ketting smoked by the lvl 14 wraiths. >_<. Oh well. Least everything worked the way I should've. The only thing I didn't test was the tank/lurker thing, but I might do that on my own later on tomorrow or something.
Kudos, Josh. Half of that stuff you did I have no clue how to do. I've been turning out maps for about a year now but you still seem to pwn me at it. >_>
Another thing you did not test was the Advanced Bunker. I alreayd know that works but that thing really owns. I took about all 25 levels of the map with the upgrades being at 255!!! LOL! I need to tune that thing down a bit and make it so the game is a little more challenging.
Haha. I guess with 8.8 you can finally play Single Player with no hassle.
That is another reason I wanted to add another version to the series. Having to play with 4 people and then 1 person goes out kills the whole game. Now someone can leave and the map goes on!
I know, that's pretty cool. Now, all you have to do is Submit the finished thing to the Download DB here and you'll be good
Today is the day that the map will be submited to the StarEdit Database in the defence and offence section but I got a lot of things that need to be done. Here is a list of the items:- Fix additional 5 levels at end of map.
- Choose player colors (player 1 colors are done, )
- Test new banning system
- Remove all test system installed in the test maps
- Test the final version
Got a long way to go untill 11:59 comes around... you want to test it? Well I put a system into the map where you can either play from 1-4 people. If someone leaves then the game can still go on. This is a good system for the fact that if someone leaves then you don't have to worry about starting all over again. I am going to try to fix up everything I can as soon as I can and I will consider having people test it out. I don't need other people to test for the fact that I can test it on single player. The problem with people testing it is that it all takes more time then I want it to. Either this map is submited into the database tonight or it is not submited until monday. You people can decide that outcome.
I think that the 5 extra levels I added now work since I found a problem with one of my triggers I made.
EDIT: the first post has been updated
QUOTE(Joshgt2 @ Nov 4 2005, 02:18 PM)
I did not steal anything. If you look at the map it says right in there that it was made by speed_limit but edited by myself. I am always giving credit to him but I am just saying the newest version is by me. I am not stealing this map from him at all.
If it wasn't protected, you can and should change it. People tend to forget that leaving a map UNPROTECTED also has it's benefits, immortality being one.
Ever heard of a game called Golems Revelations 9?
That's because there's probably about 1500 versions, rigged and non rigged, all floating around. Something far less likely to happen if protected.
If the map was protected, I'd say you try to contact the origin of the map, speed_limit and ask him. His friend came on and said he hasn't been around and well......what else do you want? Some people do stop playing video games or move on to other games. I'd say make that map good sir.
If you need a tester, msg me scythetleppo uswest. I'm muted for some reason so just msg me game name hahaha.
If it wasn't protected, you can and should change it. People tend to forget that leaving a map UNPROTECTED also has it's benefits, immortality being one.
scythetleppo uh no... ok?
btw were off that topic also
I got the map when it was at version 4.1. 4.1 was considered the best version until dumF***innewb "perfected" it into version 6.3. In that version the bunker cheat was created and made. I upgrade the version of 6.3 into 7.6. In 7.6 I did not have alot of knowledge with StarEdit and did not change a lot of the items in the game. Then I went from 7.6 to 8.1. Nothing came inbetween any of these versions due to I protected them but only with GUEdit. In 8.1 I made a lurker that was capable for using but then it had a bug put into it. Now with version 8.8 I have a lot of staredit knowledge and I know how the map goes since I have played it and been around it forever. I added things in it that were needed in the game to make the gameplay a lot better. This version should not have too many upgraded versions after it due to that it should be almost complete with the things that can be done in it.
Here it is. I am saying that right now no matter what gets done or not the map will be submited to this sites download database by Sunday, November 20th, 2005 by 11:59 PM (eastern time). I will not work on it much on friday night due to the matrix but saterday will be the maps work day. Testing and everything will be done to make sure it gets out. I have been having some problems getting to work on the map but not now. This map will be done by sunday, end of story. Also on sunday I will release Maze Defence 9.1 {Islands} as well. Sorry for the delay in the map but this project will be done!
WHA? Matrix tomorrow night? W00t! I'll be there to watch. What channel will it be on?
Good luck on the map, anyways. lol
Yes Dark the Matrix will be on... Anyway. I would appreciate it if someone could come up with a nuke destintion system for the next version of Maze Defence. I might post a topic on this in the map making assistance but I don't know yet.
what do you mean by nuke destination?
I mean I put a tank into siege mode and it makes player 7 launch a nuke right where the siege tank is located at. I got the ghost, AI script, and nuke silo on with timing of 0 and cost $0 and it still doesn't work right...
Updated first page... The map is almost done. The only thing I need to do is make for sure the banning system works and finish putting the units to scale. The map will be submited into the database tomarrow sometime and will be posted on here as well. I will put this into another topic as well in the Map Showcase. Hope you guys will like the final version of this map.
I will be looking forward to trying this map out. And I hope the nuke trigger will work out.
comeon stop editing dedence maps... the original was the best, but now it has been edited 50x all by different people. it has been rigged so much. MAKE a map dont EDIT someone elses work.
Have you ever played the first version? Becasue I havn't. I only played 4.1 and that was the earliest version. I am planning on making my own defence map after I am done upgrading this one.
The nuke trigger will be added tonight and tested as well. Lets all hope everything works...
yes the original by speed_limit, with no mining and extra shiz. it is on my old computer, just plain Maze Defence. not Maze defence enhanced, maze defence 2.0, maze defence 2.1, maze defence 2.2, maze defence 2.3, blablabla, blablabla, blablabla, 8.0 etc. but i guess u can do watever u want. all i can say now is gl
Mining?!? HECK NO! not in this. there is none of that crap in this version. That was all in Maze Defense gold which was made by a F'in nuwb!!! not in version 8.8
Could you send me the original maze defense please? I would love to have it.
it on my old comp like i said, but if there was anyway that i could send it to u, i would