It's a fad, it'll pass.
Oh, just like hate towards French people... oh wait (O'riely "Boycott the French" what a moron). When you see wrong you're obliged to fix it. Just because you're too lazy to help, doesn't mean you should tell other people it's a waste of time.
I agree, as long as it doesn't say "JEWS SUCK" or something like that, there's nothing wrong with it.
What does that little swastika mean again (when applied Germans of that time period)? Ah, probably nothing, I think I'll have some Freedom Fries in the Statue of Liberty.
This avatar offends me as a Christian, but I'm not taking it down.
You don't, but you should (because it promotes anit-Christianity, rather than an opinion on Christianity).
So, why would I take down avatars of Hitler?
You don't because you want to defend your right to make fun of French people, is my guess. Maybe deep down you believe that freedom of speech is above all else, even the pursuit of happiness.
According to your logic I could say that KaboomHahahein's Avatar promotes guns, which in turn promotes killing and murdering.
Why is video game violence legal? If you asked me I'd tell you it was to help desensitize people in times of war so they could get the job done (think, red suits to hide the blood [thus preventing 'shell shock']). It seems like it would work. But promoting hate? How does that help anyone?
I thought Hitler was a karate champion but then he came a jew leader or something (im not joking)
dis iz y we ned edumacation
In Canada anything that promotes hate is illegal (think, Jehovah's Witnesses, or Keegstra). I believe there is a law similar to that in the U.S.A., which means by putting your avatar as Hitler, or saying Christianity should be abolished, you're breaking the laws of your country. You can think it isn't right, but you can't tell unwilling people it is. There's a difference between finding something offensive, and being threatened, not everything can threaten you (threaten your constitutional rights).