I'd like to test. So are you multi-tasking this map and helping Chris?
I'd like to be a tester
lots and lots of testers lol, so have you thought out what ur using for your systems? I know your using the dropship system but what are you using for the C4 and frag gernade?
Lol well im back. I was away all day if u guys didnt notice lol. And yea i am doing this and helping chris, and dont worry i do plan on finishing this. I'll prolly put up a tester list this weekend
. Since i have off untill next tuesday i'll try and get a lot done, so i shud be updating this often.
Is there going to be a camera system where it follows your unit and you can't look around the map?
Why would you do blindness? Wouldn't it make weapons that are supposed to have range ineffective?
Maybe you could have a unit that follows you around with short sight range that you can't use to fight(0 damage or something).
If you were gonna use that perfect ammo system then don't you have to redo it because of the new patch?
well u know where i am just msg me and i'll test anytime i'm on when u are
gl shady i wana hear the scary music!!!
-Finished Dropship System for players.
-Finished Intro
-First "Floor" is playable.
How long do you estimate this map is going to take? And is C4 only going to be used in specific areas?
Sounds a bit interesting. I would like to see how it goes. I like FEAR.
Well I just got finised playing F.E.A.R. because it got here today in the mail because i ordered it over line hehe it is very good game so far im not to far but so far im liking the suspense, the slowmotioness and of course that little girl hehe lol
Yah its a great game lol. And productions going fine.
How long do you estimate this map is going to take? And is C4 only going to be used in specific areas?
I havnt decided yet, would you like it to be used anywhere? or specific places.
If you make it in only specific places, it's like holding the players' hands. You should let them figure out where they go, and make the C4 placable anywhere.
Could always do a burrowed unit under you...they got a lil range O.o
QUOTE(Shady.Aftermath @ Jan 18 2006, 05:10 PM)
Very interesting Concept, but not possible. There is no way to have the same affect. you could always. Have zerlings popup near by, using the shadow affect, or clocked units. Not sure. but i like where you going.
Sounds awesome Shady.
Finish this up!
Thanks for the comments every body
Right now i'm just trying to finish the terrain for the entire place so i've mainly been working on that so now terrain is 75%
Have zerlings popup near by, using the shadow affect, or clocked units. Not sure. but i like where you going.
Yeah, i'll probobly end up doing that.
hmm page 2? wats going on shady?
Lol i'm still working on it. Progress is going a bit slower but it's coming along well, i've been really busy lately with homework and stuff.
-Terrain is pretty much finished just touching it up a bit and making sure i made it all correct.