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Staredit Network -> UMS Production -> Resident Evil : The Forgotten Story
Report, edit, etc...Posted by 3voLtz on 2006-03-02 at 22:31:22
This map is the Sux.... way to many farkin sprites its the Sux.... mellow.gif
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Dark_Marine_123 on 2006-03-03 at 00:18:57
If its got red flashin' nuke dots everywhere, then its the lags too. O.O
Report, edit, etc...Posted by ToCoolToBeTrue on 2006-03-03 at 04:16:28
Ok so i give a credit to Dark_Marine_123 for herb saund efect becouse he wanted ...
Oh by the way why didnt u give credit to Peazel becouse you got few of his saunds too?
So i didnt stop working on the map even for a day.
I will post the progress becouse i see that some peaople can appreciate a really hard work like UBCS and Lunatic.
So i will see if i will post the full version on the site or not or just send the map to good guys.
Oh by the way yesteraday i add Raccoon Fire Department terrain and units.
Today im gonna finish whole firedepartment and maybe start making RPD.
RPD will be like a main tawn in RPG where u feel safe and got shiz load of quests.

Oh almost forgot.
I got a task for eveyone of u playing the demo.
As u can see English isnt my base language so i will appreciate every spelling error that i made in demo post them here please.

This map is the Sux.... way to many farkin sprites its the Sux....

Ok so u are the 1 on the list for not getting any new version.
If its got red flashin' nuke dots everywhere, then its the lags too. O.O

*cough*second on the list*cough*
I don't recall one bullet costing 500$ O.O

And i dont reccal that every doors in a small town is 20 times larger than a man.
Same goes for TV's in your map.
Its just a game.
I did the ammo buying system that the commonliest ammo is the cheapest.
I didnt refare to a real life ammo costs...
I can see that you are trying to destroy my map so everyone will go back to yours.
A few gliches but i still like your creativity. Good luck.

Can you please post every glitch that u found?
It would be a great help.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by 3voLtz on 2006-03-03 at 05:36:55
I don't want the full version this map is the n3wb
Report, edit, etc...Posted by ToCoolToBeTrue on 2006-03-03 at 05:56:30
No this map isnt the n3wb coz this map isnt a Human.
No i cant call u n3wb coz your face dont look Human either.
Did u ever made eny map?
Couse if this is n3wb your maps must be a worst shiz in the universe.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Mp)Excalibur on 2006-03-03 at 07:05:43
QUOTE(ToCoolToBeTrue @ Mar 3 2006, 05:56 AM)
No this map isnt the n3wb coz this map isnt a Human.
No i cant call u n3wb coz your face dont look Human either.
Did u ever made eny map?
Couse if this is n3wb your maps must be a worst shiz in the universe.

Now now Gentlemen,
This map isnt perfect, and there were a few things i didnt like about it. But there were alot more i did, and it seems that many would like to argue on this. Well isnt that what a production thread is for other then the info on the map? To show people it and have them give opinions?

Now look,
You can say what you dont like about the map (Ex: I didnt think ashworld was a good tileset choice but it was suprisingly well put together too.) but dont just be like "Yo N00BZ YOUR MAP IS TEH SUX HAHAHAH" because that just makes you look like an idiot. Im a map maker myself, and I can say that i apprreciate this map. Now take the example i gave, i said i didnt like the tileset, which was an opinion, but i was suprised that it was so well put together. Which is fact because:
A. Alot of tiles were used
B. These tiles were used to make a more real looking, although blocky city

Can we please evolve beyond this policy of petty insults when we dont like a map? Why cant we just say this is what i liked and this is what i didnt? Stop being bickering little biznatches and realize your on a forum, and it may be the internet but your talking to a real person with real feelings. Yes feelings men have them too! Now back on topic i thought this was a good map, in need of some work, but all around i am looking foward to it.
Play nice,
Report, edit, etc...Posted by ToCoolToBeTrue on 2006-03-03 at 13:35:17
Thanks Legacy for appreciateing the map.
UPDATE - Done almost completly Raccoon Fire dep and add new NPC talk system for 1 NPC
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Dark_Marine_123 on 2006-03-03 at 16:27:46
Hey I'm sorry I have a 2.80 ghz compy, but those red dots are KILLER LAG when en masse. And arrows with them? You are gonna remove those correct? O.O
Report, edit, etc...Posted by JoJo. on 2006-03-03 at 23:24:38
the major faults of the map is the weapon chaning system losing your weapon or having it not appear and have constant centerview were no unit is, i do think your terrain didnt have to be so blocky, evern if your map is based on the tile form you can make them look better. I got bored with the map fast and i found that dumb 9mm handgun because when i remade it the hint came up to look under beds which it didn't before. I think the gameplay should never get dull, walking around and finding a zombie, cerebrus, or civilian that wont talk is kind of boring, the sprites you could really cut down on and you put eggs behind them..use dark templars that are P12 thats what i would do unless you actaully want the eggs to be clickable, also most minaorly your briefing needs some work and the little kiddies that play SC have np patience what so ever.. please make your display messages a little faster or more exiting because if i have to remake your map because i died i don't want to have to wait that 30 secounds. If the reason your making your gameplay stretched out is so you can have a long map and have all your locations and strings still left, than stop and put as much detail as you possibly can into every bit of your map. It might make you run out of strings and locations quickly, but that portion of your map, addleast will be awsome if it has decent effort, proffesionalism, and testing/editing. That list most of the cons of the map i'd like to feature the pros, the gameplay, even though i find it dulling is different and not the same as ever other RE RPG and you seem to know how to let your players stumble into every next area without needing instructions which is nice. Most of all I like how you can find things under beds and such, very useful tool that lets the players interact with any inanamite objectbut i think if there is nothing there or nothing to be found a message should display "there is nothing useful to be found" I hope you appreciate me not being immature about posting. *it is late and i am not checking spelling!*
Report, edit, etc...Posted by ToCoolToBeTrue on 2006-03-04 at 05:12:59
but those red dots are KILLER LAG when en masse

Nope they arent.
They lag isnt cosed by eny sprites but by to many triggers.
You are gonna remove those correct? O.O

Yes i could put mineral field(mineral amaunt = digit) in place of it but then SCV(knife) or other meele weapon can harvest it and change the number of minerals ....
I got bored with the map fast and i found that dumb 9mm handgun because when i remade it the hint came up to look under beds which it didn't before. I think the gameplay should never get dull, walking around and finding a zombie, cerebrus, or civilian that wont talk is kind of boring

I played this map 60 or more times and the Hint abaut the Handgun under the bed alweys displayed to me.
The Civilian that wont talk is not made yet.
He will be a NPC for a one quest.
I still cant understand why do u judge my map like it was finished to the end in 100%
It is not even a beta.
This is a demo , so u should be happy that there are more than just 1 strait line to go killing zombies to win.
And i understand that killing zombies takes time.
But if u ever playd a RE game u should know that Hundgun kills zombie by 4 or more shots.
And if u can look at 1 post indroducing the map and read it closly u can see that there is 9 or 10 Guns in the game
All the guns have alredy made triggers.
I didnt add them becouse it would be to easy.
Believe me i tested it.
Besides u can still find the Riotgun in the demo that can kill zombs and lickers in 1-2 shots.
But i made 1 big mistake.
I should alredy made Raccon City mall in the demo.
There is a few things there that makes life easier , including: Gun shop , Medicine Shop , Item Shop and the Head Hunter (Umbrella scientist paying u for bringing him some of the samples from big Bio Oorganic Weapons [in shortcut he just pays u for killing the bosses])
the major faults of the map is the weapon chaning system losing your weapon or having it not appear and have constant centerview were no unit is, i do think your terrain didnt have to be so blocky

Yes im aware of the swithcing weapons bug.
And yes im aware that terrain is very blocky couseing the bug but there are 2 good reasons to not change that:
-I would have to remake all the tarrain
-The map is alredy blocky and still i think i have to little space to add all the locations i wanted to. So if maked it less blocky it would be even less space so the map would have 2-3 endings not 8 and 4 or 5 locations not 9+.
So think twice before u choose blocky terrain as a minus.
This the first zombie map[or first map] ever made where u can carry more than 1 weapon and first map with 7 types of ammo and u still complane abaut everything.
the sprites you could really cut down on and you put eggs behind them..use dark templars that are P12 thats what i would do

Good idea.
i think if there is nothing there or nothing to be found a message should display "there is nothing useful to be found"

I tryd to do that but the mesege displayd even when u found something.So i removed it.
It might make you run out of strings and locations quickly, but that portion of your map, addleast will be awsome if it has decent effort, proffesionalism, and testing/editing

I ran out of string once when i didnt even made demo yet.
That is a big problem.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by JoJo. on 2006-03-04 at 13:24:46
An idea that I thought of that isn't very original is when your action button trigger you want to make display message that says, "there is nothing to be found" should be something like if there is no p12 burrowed zergling (or other hidden unit) at [set location], DisplayText"there is nothing to be found" and the lings would not interfear with the getting of items unless you want 8 lings at [set location] = 15x9mm handgun rounds or ling combos would be diiferent item types. This is my trigger idea. (SF TRIGGER CODING)

Bring(exactly, 0, zergling, P12, [Location That Follows Player]);
DisplayTextMessage("There is nothing to be found", 4);

All you have to do for this to work is so that every area were something can be found add a zergling burrowed, when you find something somewhere, use this type of trigger,
(Modify your current get item trigger)

(your current conditions to get things)
(your current actions to get things)
RemoveUnitAtLocation(All, Zergling, P12, [Location were you found something]);

The pros to this system are after you find something you can go to it and still have the text message "there is nothing to be found" at this location and you can constantly interact with everything without bugging your systems. I no my post is a lil hard to understand since it is so general and compromised.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by ToCoolToBeTrue on 2006-03-04 at 13:33:29
That would mess up the whole map so... No.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by JoJo. on 2006-03-04 at 13:48:03
Report, edit, etc...Posted by ToCoolToBeTrue on 2006-03-04 at 14:04:31
P12 cant barrow...
And every player that arent enemie have alredy zergling in use.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by UBCS on 2006-03-04 at 14:08:57
after i got my knife and went out the left door i heard some1 say they were stuck in a truck then some zombie started attacking me.. i had to keep using A to hurt it.. Then after it died i couldn't move my scv...i was in the middle so there was nothing blocking me so i tried to switch to civ and even teh civ wouldn't move to the switch
Report, edit, etc...Posted by ToCoolToBeTrue on 2006-03-04 at 14:14:48
Its a quest.
When u cant move u must decide by building vulture or goilath.
When u build vul the quest will be accepted and when u build gol the quest will be declained(the u can move again).
Guess i made to many time spaces betwen lines:
???: Will u help me ??
Build vul to take the quest | Build gol to ignore.
Il fix it in a sec.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by JoJo. on 2006-03-04 at 14:53:02
QUOTE(ToCoolToBeTrue @ Mar 4 2006, 01:04 PM)
P12 cant barrow...
And every player that arent enemie have alredy zergling in use.

make them a player thats ingame and burrowed and then give to p12 instantly..
you can make em any unit also, drone would be best idea i think.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Dark_Marine_123 on 2006-03-04 at 15:30:39
Note: Demos are beta testing tongue.gif

And you CAN place min fields away from the range of the scv but leave them within vision tongue.gif
Report, edit, etc...Posted by ToCoolToBeTrue on 2006-03-05 at 04:37:39
i have a BIG problem ....
Yesterday when i add new items to the map , i wannad to test them.
So i add them to backpack at start.
Well they didnt show up in Backback.
I done it one more time and they didnt show up eaither.
Yes its the unit limit ...
So today i have to Remove all the blockers(eggs) in the sprites and Remove some TV's Cars , Book shelfs ...
Oh and i will have to remove the doors system :/
Too many units are doors ...
All locked doors will be still in the map but normal doors are out.
Shiz i done 40% of the map and i have almost max Strings used and Max units placed ...
SC suxs.
make them a player thats ingame and burrowed and then give to p12 instantly..
you can make em any unit also, drone would be best idea i think.

If i make a antoher unit in every place u can get something ...
That was a good idea and in the Final ver if i will have some units spare i will do that.
And you CAN place min fields away from the range of the scv but leave them within vision

Yes i can but
- That will screw tarrain a little
- Unit limit
Report, edit, etc...Posted by JoJo. on 2006-03-05 at 05:25:11
well since your near unit limit the ling idea won't be useful anymore since you'd run out of units in the first area, like i said try and make the map just 50% in all but have that 50% be completely awsome, i enjoy it much more than 100% average, plus you can release maps and finish the map faster, my best idea would be to take all the other 50% terrain and make it a brush and save it then on your new map use the brush for that maps entire terrain and have an ending of your first map cinematics be the beggining of RE:TFS2 hope thats what your looking for cause your going to have to cut your revolutionary features if you try to make it 100%
Report, edit, etc...Posted by ToCoolToBeTrue on 2006-03-05 at 13:33:09
Sorry but no one will make this map for me.
It stays like it been.
It will be big like it ment to be.
And still u want to change my map to Action game...
I told u this is a long RPG.
But now i still can remove some almost unused units.
In place of eggs il put squere unwallkable terrain.
No i wont make it 2 maps...
If someday i wannet to make RE TFS 2 (i alredy have ideas) il make it not thasame as the RE TFS.

UPDATE - Removed all doors and eggs, Added more interaction with terrain (thx to Jojo's suggestion)
Report, edit, etc...Posted by JoJo. on 2006-03-05 at 15:22:36
well since you still plan to make your map 100% when you run out of strings units and things like that you need to have something that will keep steady awsome gameplay without the need of the these things the good examples are sounds, terrain, and was a good idea with the unwalkable terrain instead of unit thing cool1.gif after you use up all your locations, strings, sprites, terrain area, and units you might as well give up because theres really nothing else you can do to support the map without taking something good out. (unless we talking MODS!)
Report, edit, etc...Posted by ToCoolToBeTrue on 2006-03-06 at 05:31:25
First Great Idea:
I decided to make the map more RPG style so...
There will be 4 or more character classes to choose eash with diffrent skills and HP bar.
I will have to remove the yellow herb idea becosue u gain HP for lvl now.
I will list the character classes that will be in the game on 100% :
-Police Officer (like a archer in a RPG)
-Security Guard (like a warrior in a RPG)
-Doctor (like a priest in a RPG)
-Mechanic (like a blacksmith in a RPG)
I have few more ideas for proffesions but i will be happy if u will post ur ideas.
Post something like :
-*Occupation*(*what RPG class is similiar too*) *Skills*
Second Great Idea:
The Result Points = Your Expiriance.
You will get exp for killing bosses , Finding secrets , triggering random events , triggering normal events , doing quests , finding special items.
Im thinking of having max LvL 10 or 30.
(note that this are just my ideas , there are not imputed in the map yet)
Report, edit, etc...Posted by UBCS on 2006-03-06 at 07:34:25
QUOTE(ToCoolToBeTrue @ Mar 4 2006, 02:14 PM)
Its a quest.
When u cant move u must decide by building vulture or goilath.
When u build vul the quest will be accepted and when u build gol the quest will be declained(the u can move again).
Guess i made to many time spaces betwen lines:
???: Will u help me ??
Build vul to take the quest | Build gol to ignore.
Il fix it in a sec.

Yeah that must be why..just have a little note saying (Quest: Use the accept/decline button to choose to take the quest or not)
Report, edit, etc...Posted by ToCoolToBeTrue on 2006-03-06 at 08:53:43
just have a little note saying (Quest: Use the accept/decline button to choose to take the quest or not)

I have a note saying:
Build vul to take the quest | Build gol to ignore.
I just had to much time space between the NPC's line and this line.
I fixed that.

By the way the quest with the Fire truck is the most cool quest in demo.
I wont spoil the reward but it very cool and took me hell a lot of time to do.
I suggest that every one playing the demo should try it.

Finally got rid of the fricking lag!!!
I was redoing some triggers and i tested them ...
Then i couldnt believe it...
The lag was gone...
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