but those red dots are KILLER LAG when en masse
Nope they arent.
They lag isnt cosed by eny sprites but by to many triggers.
You are gonna remove those correct? O.O
Yes i could put mineral field(mineral amaunt = digit) in place of it but then SCV(knife) or other meele weapon can harvest it and change the number of minerals ....
I got bored with the map fast and i found that dumb 9mm handgun because when i remade it the hint came up to look under beds which it didn't before. I think the gameplay should never get dull, walking around and finding a zombie, cerebrus, or civilian that wont talk is kind of boring
I played this map 60 or more times and the Hint abaut the Handgun under the bed alweys displayed to me.
The Civilian that wont talk is not made yet.
He will be a NPC for a one quest.
I still cant understand why do u judge my map like it was finished to the end in 100%
It is not even a beta.
This is a demo , so u should be happy that there are more than just 1 strait line to go killing zombies to win.
And i understand that killing zombies takes time.
But if u ever playd a RE game u should know that Hundgun kills zombie by 4 or more shots.
And if u can look at 1 post indroducing the map and read it closly u can see that there is 9 or 10 Guns in the game
All the guns have alredy made triggers.
I didnt add them becouse it would be to easy.
Believe me i tested it.
Besides u can still find the Riotgun in the demo that can kill zombs and lickers in 1-2 shots.
But i made 1 big mistake.
I should alredy made Raccon City mall in the demo.
There is a few things there that makes life easier , including: Gun shop , Medicine Shop , Item Shop and the Head Hunter (Umbrella scientist paying u for bringing him some of the samples from big Bio Oorganic Weapons [in shortcut he just pays u for killing the bosses])
the major faults of the map is the weapon chaning system losing your weapon or having it not appear and have constant centerview were no unit is, i do think your terrain didnt have to be so blocky
Yes im aware of the swithcing weapons bug.
And yes im aware that terrain is very blocky couseing the bug but there are 2 good reasons to not change that:
-I would have to remake all the tarrain
-The map is alredy blocky and still i think i have to little space to add all the locations i wanted to. So if maked it less blocky it would be even less space so the map would have 2-3 endings not 8 and 4 or 5 locations not 9+.
So think twice before u choose blocky terrain as a minus.
This the first zombie map[or first map] ever made where u can carry more than 1 weapon and first map with 7 types of ammo and u still complane abaut everything.
the sprites you could really cut down on and you put eggs behind them..use dark templars that are P12 thats what i would do
Good idea.
i think if there is nothing there or nothing to be found a message should display "there is nothing useful to be found"
I tryd to do that but the mesege displayd even when u found something.So i removed it.
It might make you run out of strings and locations quickly, but that portion of your map, addleast will be awsome if it has decent effort, proffesionalism, and testing/editing
I ran out of string once when i didnt even made demo yet.
That is a big problem.