sorry that i haven't gotten the sounds for you yet, the owner of the laptop took his laptop back(its on his laptop cause i can't play Doom 3 on my comp), draco. he's gonna bring it to me in a few days. i promise to get it to you by then.
anyhow, a little progress update. player movement is done:
basic directions - manual
strafe - manual
jump - kill observer
crouch - kill burrowed unit
running - trigger system*
*an air unit(faster than the marine), owned by the player, is centered on the players marine(PU). when the marine moves, the AU is moved on top of the PU - resulting in normal walking. however, when the player moves the AU, then the PU is centered beneath the AU, resulting in a 'running' speed.
i haven't seen an idea like that implemented before and its a simple solution to a persistent problem - how to allow for player movement without having to lose selection of his marine.
also, some technicalites(some, not all) with the weapons system have been worked out.
for instance:
note: i'm not sure if i've mentioned this, but my weapons system* relies on having an observer as a reticle.
just for the record, i did NOT copy Tux's prototype weapons system, i've had mine planned out WAY before Tux released his system, infact, i've had the idea from before i made this thread because the reticle was an independant unit, it'd be hard to aim properly. so, i came up with the idea for an auto-lock. where your observer would be replaced by a comp one and would follow one unit until you disabled the autolock. of course, it wouldn't be automatic, you'd actualy have to have a unit under the reticle and you'd have to fire the trigger.
one remaining issue with this is that the player will always hit the enemy. so, i think having a seperate 'firing-range' map to determine the player's accuracy would be a fairly effective way of fixing this.
i really wish this forum gave out minerals