QUOTE(Mp)Dada @ May 12 2006, 01:26 PM)
I'm am making progress on this map very slowing cuz I'm planning on finishing Jo Defence 3 and v3 Race Defence. Tomarrow I will give one screenshot of unit selection.
Heros will have there own special power;
Here they are.
Team 1
Marine(Johnathin)=Head Shot Blast
Ghost(William)=Item Steal / Back Stab
Team 2
Marine(Sir Henry)=Rapid Fire
Ghost(Edward)=Trigger Happy
ok the special attack names sound very...unrealistic? well you didn't mention the time period so i guess i cant say if anything is unrealistic, i was thinking this would be a medieval type setting but looking back to post one a flamethrower and AK-47 isn't exactly medieval. seriously flamethrowers were WW2 experimental devices actually used as toys most of the time..another suggestion is to make special abilities more to use so your character doesn't die or you have war of the special abilities..then players die much faster and never have the ability to escape, Id suggest making stats not like 8000HP for a hero but like 80HP so stimpack is used sparingly and normal army units have about 8 health you no? also makes deciding how many hits to kill something alot fast your not dividing 6780 by 325 damege on a 10 armor unit, shields will recover alot faster too and thats not a bad thing if a hero cannot heal another thing is that you could have medics and shield batterys used effectively even without a energy recharge trigger that way some1 couldn't infinitely heal too, theres alot of advantages compared to disadvantegs i think, you can think up your own systems how to even out gameplay, one thing i think you should consider is having scattered outpost on extended terrain not just "Aeon of Strife" type battle map with players and not evenly placed outposts and forts either make it unique not look like it was setup to be balanced or symmetrical, all these features could woop some A if you input it into your map. PM me for more or if you want some terrain done i've invisioned your entire map already (it roxors)