QUOTE(Demaris @ Apr 14 2006, 10:32 PM)
Saying that marijuana is a gateway drug is like saying being born is a gateway to being a murderer. After all, name a murderer that was NOT born. The kind of people that will do drugs like heroin and cocaine are just going to start with marijuana since that's the drug they will probably be able to get their hands on the easiest.
Exactly. Thanks for pointing out the obvious ^_^
QUOTE(Jammed @ Apr 15 2006, 04:33 AM)
the effect of smoking a lot of it is loss of memory. my classmate that smokes it for 3 years has very bad memory. it's a miracle that he can remember his girlfriend's name
i doubt that alcohol companies would allow making it legal, cuz they will loose a lot of profit then.
Uh, no. I've been smoking for four years, and I still have my memory. And the only reason alcohol is legal, is because it is embeded into our society, just like drugs are.
QUOTE(Golden-Fist @ Apr 15 2006, 07:21 AM)
Saying there are worser drugs doesn't make this one any better. I'm not 100% sure what's up with Marijuana and the whole Medical thing but as a smoking thing it's pretty bad. You might not want to jump out of a building or feel invincable but a lot of other people do (It's been shown in studies) so as a whole it's more dangerous then it is helpful.
Way more worse drugs*

The only reason those people feel like that, is because they are stupid. Literally. There are "classes" of pot-heads. Intelligent smokers, and non-intelligent smokers.
Intelligent smokers are the ones that smoke their whole life without getting caught, and become something with themselves.
Non-intelligent ones, are the rest of the smokers. The retards that get caught. The rejects that openly admit it. The faggots who become addicted and "need" it (They have shizty WILL POWER) And the homos who use it as an excuse to try harder drugs.
And besides. The reason it may make other people feel godly and stuff (Which I highly doubt. Pot makes you want to sit on your ass, and eat eat eat eat eat) is because different chemicals affect different people differently.
For example: Bob drinks two beers, and get's drunk. Jim has to have three shots before he can get drunk.
QUOTE(BeeR_KeG @ Apr 15 2006, 10:11 AM)
Economically, there wouldn't be much revenue for the Goverment.
The people will still sell it in the same way, privately so that nobody knows. It'll be sold and bought with cash. There's no tax paying in there because technically, it didn't happen.
Another problem is that they will be charging taxes to generally, the lower and middle classes, classes which can barely pay more taxes. If you think about it, drug dealers become drug dealers because of lack of money, it's great business, you don't pay taxes and with the proper connections, you've got great money. Now your going to tax them, making the lower classes much poorer.
Then you have US Customs in the way. Pot is generally brought into the States and sold within a short period of time. Now it has to wait, in the docks, for a few more days. A few more days waiting means a few less dollars.
You also have to consider that Drug Importers will also have to pay to import it. They'll still smugle it because it's cheaper to smugle it.
You also known that most pot comes from outside of the US. This means that it'll takes years or decades to have a big enough surplus so that it can be exported. Only by exporting the drug, can there be big profit.
Actually, they could make a form of gas from it. Create hemp, and sell it. Regulate it, giving them taxes, ect...
Actually, if the government was to regulate it, and tax it, the punishment for selling behind their back would be outstanding; Thus, detrimenting anyone from wanting to even risk it. But of course, society is full of idiots, so a few would try to beat the system, but they would most likely get caught. And about growing it. The government could probibly give out licences to grow (For very heafty prices) and would pay the farmer for growing it. Just a thought.
But you have to look at this logically. If they were to legalize and tax Marijuanna, they could ease up on other taxes, or just get ride of certain other taxes, causing a balance.
Would you please elaborate on the US Customs? I don't exactly understand what you're trying to get at.
Actually um... Beer... They pay NOTHING to grow it. They would be getting PAYED by the government, for them selling it to the government. Or the government could even grow their own, to make it so they don't have to pay for imports. And they could [startconspiracy] make it even more potent to get everyone "addicted" (Hell, they could add addictive chemicals to it) so everyone will buy it[/endconspiracy]
How so? If they were to grow it, and sell it like Cigarettes (For a more expensive price of course) they would make BOMB cash. It kinda seems you have some propagandious thoughts within your head about this.. Try looking at it more open-mindedly? (No insult intended)
QUOTE(thien @ Apr 15 2006, 10:17 AM)
Since when does the government care about making the lower classes poorer? They seriously don't care about how rich/poor they actually are.
But if it were to be legalized they probably wouldn't try and smugle it because of the chances of getting caught. Why not just import it since it is legal now?
And finally, if it were to be legalized citizens of the U.S. wouldn't have to worry about getting caught with a farm or just a few plants in there house. They would probably mak there whole back yard a Marijuana farm. And alot more citizens would do this increasing the ammount of Marijuana in the United States.
Hmmm... I do agree with you
QUOTE(donwano @ Apr 15 2006, 10:45 AM)
Nothing really. But the government just wouldn't legalize it and piss it away to any age. They'd have to set their standards like 18 is smoking age and 21 is drinking. Kids are still gonna smoke it underage though. Like if it was made to 18 years, I'd be breaking the law.[/NOTRIGHT]
They would probibly make the age 21 because it's more chemically altering than cigarettes are. Just like Alcohol is.
QUOTE(Centreri @ Apr 15 2006, 11:33 AM)
I would legalize it but tell everyone how bad it is for you and everything.. some people will still 'import' it illegally to not pay taxes, as Beer said, but the government will still get profit from it. More teenagers will start smoking pot, probably creating chaos, and for a while, life would be worse then before, but when the problem will become ridiculous the government will be forced to do something about it, and guess what?
Population goes down.
Or is it just wishful thinking?
If that plot can never work, then keep it illegalized.. we don't need any more dangerous drugs that won't reduce world population and will increase the number of idiots.
Are you on drugs? (No insult intended) Most teenagers DO smoke pot, or do drugs (Cigarettes are a form of drugs

And wishfull thinking.
QUOTE(TheDaddy0420 @ Apr 15 2006, 01:49 PM)
I know a couple girls and their boy friends who tried weed, caught on to it (This was last September) and now they are doing coke.
Gateway drug? Yes, very yes.
Gateway drug? No, very no. Your friends are just pathetic. That's all there is to it. They have always wanted to try coke, but started with Pot so they could get the hookups to the coke.
For example: Before I ever tried Pot, I always wanted to try PsyloPsybin Mushrooms. I started smoking pot, and only last year, did I find a hookup for Mushrooms; Therefore, it is not a gateway drug, because I have ALWAYS wanted to try them.
Sooo, your friends are just pathetic pieces of dirt.
QUOTE(Arbitrary @ Apr 15 2006, 01:57 PM)
So a few individual cases prove it to be a rule?
I have a friend who smoked pot for years, then quit. He doesn't do any other drugs.
Thank you! Finally, someone who understands that Pot is not addicting!
I'm not addicted to pot. I can stop
if I wanted to. I don't want to, because I like the feeling it gives me. Right now, i'm on probation. I have NO cravings what so ever to go smoke it. Sure, I romance about the past experiences, but in no way am I going to go smoke it and get a dirty UA and go to jail for four months.
So it's all a matter of the persons FREE WILL.