You worry so much about the landscape and crap that you can't even finish your own maps. I told you a thousand times Daddy! You have to think of other stuff, rather than waste all your thoughts on just some stupid terrain. Felagund, the answer to your question is that this is my last team project and my second map before I quit map making. Please, if you think I'm just going to do an ordinary map, you are sadly mistaken. I am going to put a lot of effort to make this THE BEST WWII map ever made with lots of new features. Just wait and see, me and quebec both have contributed an idea to the map that no one else has used, but more will be added.
Features never-before-seen thus far: 2
More to come!
Feature 1: City Capturing without waiting for timer to end.
- Basically you can capture a city, but you don't receive the money for the city until the timer ends. It just looks better, and no one has ever used it, so I shall be the first.
Feature 2: Big battles will use well written descriptions, music and lots of special effects to set the mood right.
- Self explanatory. Also something people haven't used in a timeline-based WWII map, but RabidXDog, Fenix~01 and I have used this in non-timeline maps, such as Vietnam: The Darkest Hour, Jackson's Valley Campaign, WWII: Axis Storm and WWII: Rising Sun.
Hopefully that keeps you all excited about this map and please consider that it is my 2nd last map, so I'm going to push it a little bit to be extreme. It's not going to be NEARLY as extreme as my last map though, which will surely shock everyone, without a doubt.