o and click "leave a message" on my user page here for a laugh
oh and where are the kiwis -.-
What "new" member, knows about SeN Kiwi eh? Can't hide yourself well N... Hmm....
QUOTE(Sarah_K @ May 20 2006, 04:20 AM)
I havent been banned once here.. idiot
Nothing like spreading false rumours if you think it suits you.... -_-
Hmm... Interesting.. The same arrogence as......
QUOTE(Sarah_K @ May 20 2006, 01:51 PM)
more fool you are for trusting liars...
I remember! Welcome back Shorty! How was your bannage from SeN? I take it that you just HAD to come back eh?
Still lying. I have no respect for liars whatsoever, and they deserve none either..
And that's why I don't respect you Nano_ And btw: You don't know everything about a program until you get it. Just because someone says it doesn't conain viruses, and visa versa, doesn't mean it's the truth. So both of you just shut up already.
QUOTE(Rabid_Wolf_101 @ May 20 2006, 08:40 PM)
Syphon... DO you ALWAYS have to trash everyones reputation? YOU always do so maybe sometimes you should just be quiet and leave people alone. Let them believe in what they want, not what you TELL them to believe in. IF someone wants to beleive in santa clause (people 10+ mostly dont) then dont trash what they believe... Jeez... You need to think of other people other hten yourself...

Trash everyone's reputation? The truth is trashing reputation?
It's obvious that Sarah_K is Shorty. Same arrogance. Starts fights out of nothing. Hell. Just take a look at the thread name. Anyone NEW here, wouldn't use the L337 version of Hahahaha. It's quite obvious that THIS person has been here before.
And besides. You are a white named member. No one usually cares about white named people.
And it's possible that he was un IP-Banned when Iso came back (Iso took some IPs off the ban list).
I vote this person is Shorty. And it seems like a couple other members agree as well.