Then why are you here? What do you plan on doing? You say there's a problem; you give no solution. That is the worst way to argue. I have tons of complaints and not a solution for all of them so I ignore those because I know I can't make it better (yet).
theres nothin i can do about it. the solution is people not useing any advanced tech and being so freggin lazy and overweight. or destruction of the entire human race.
I completely disagree in that "we have done nothing but destroy earth." Why? Because it's not true. You've shown no evidence and the fact that there are groups out there who try to prevent the destruction of forests is absolute proof what you said is wrong. If you're just making generalizations, stop going extreme; I don't know what you're thinking when you say that so if you have something to say, say it directly instead of trying to hide it behind something so ridiculous.
ok, ill be completely clear.
the earth is being destroyed. why? cause lazy ass homo sapians wanted to not be cold in the winter or wanted to sit down and have mechines do their dirty work.
we are by far, the most greedy species in the enitre universe. i know greed is only a human emotion but, what i mean is, we could care less about anythig besiedes our own survival. we are going to end up killing our own selves and everything on this planet.
and our planet is goin down. we are runnin out of gasoline. we will soon over pouplate. we will run out the atomsphere. we will destroy all the fertil soil left.
we are gona tear up this planet. we weren't ment to be so pouplated. now that we are, we are eating up all the resources we can find use of. like we are devouring them. we find somthin, we use it all up.
greed my friend.
You make it sound as if I gave you a choice. If you were in that position, what would you do? If you'd rather be enslaved, you are not like me at all. You're the exact opposite of what you seem to be claiming.
depends on what i'd be forced to be doing. if it's like the holocause, i'd just accept my death, no point in the torutre.
The greater good of people in general. We all benefit from the soldiers' death so we did not have to live under the rule of England. If I recall from history class, the English had declared that all subjects in the colony were officially theirs and they could legally do anything they want for their own gain. This is outlined the mercantilist system.
would you kill urself so people can enjoy what u did? you wont get anything out of it.
You are an authoritarian. You know who else was an authoritarian? Hitler. Stalin. People who refuse to die fighting for their beliefs is a traitor among democratic states.
s-c-r-e-w america. all they do is lie to us anyway.
and im not going to kill my self for some people i've never met. im just refuse to.
idk if you have noticed, but im a very primal kinda guy. i care about #1. and if u were me, u might know. i've been through hell. you have no idea. and i can't tell you cause it saddens me too much to even think about it. and not to menchion its and extremely complex suitation.
Good job, you admit you're a hypocrite. Why don't you actually argue from one point of view? I don't think I need to say anymore until you've actually declared your own position.
here my deal:
i am primal. i care about me. i dont care about ne one else. if i ain't gona get ne thign out of livin through enslavement, then ill go and do somthin to get me killed or freed. it is
YOUR loss if you sarcifice yourself. not my loss or concern.
i dont care about people i dont know.
People who die for your freedoms deserve to be recongized. You said:
This is incredibly rude to those soldiers who actually cared about the future of America. After you said that, I continued to argue with the American Revolution as my example and you used Bush's war. Know this: I hate the war in Iraq. Stop trying to use that against me when I'm already on your side for that.
Tell me how you can justify saying the above in respect to the American Revolution. So far, you've only been disrespectful.
i could care less if am respectful. what am i benfiting from bein respectful? NOTHING! ABSOLTLY NOTHIN.
ill admit im extremely greedy. its all about me. if im dead, nothin will exist in my world. im and super aythest. so when i die, there will be a blank forever. that makes me selfish cause, hey, im gona give it one hell of a run and enjoy it. rather then go out and torture myself.