I say go with 3
The box thingy could easily be passed off as something (No idea yet what, but something)
and to make sure people aren't asking "WTF, Y DID I WALK UNDER THAT"
have like a text message display or something >_>
Or go with 2, most people really won't care if the terrain is a bit off....
plus number 2 won't take up sprite space
I think it would be rather dumb to have a text message say "Look over by the rusty chandelier there is a stair way" every time you near the stairs. Or even just once a game.
I would rather have people say "WTF, Y DID I WALK UNDER THAT" Besides the unknown is much scaryer than the known.
lol i could hide zerglings under there lol.
You could use a floor hatch or a beacon, or something to that effect. No sprite required. That, or you could scour the terrain palette for tiles that smooth the transition on #2, or else use tiles that gradiate down from the light metal of the ramp to the dark asphalt at the top.
The problem is find one with that properties plus walkable.
There isn't a tile that goes directly from the upper part to the asphalt below. There are a few asphalt things with some greay thingys on it but nothing that would work.
trying a fadeing effect would just make it looke worse. I thought about the floor hatch and the beacon. Floor hatch is way to big. Beacon i might do. But im going to try to make two halfs first. #1 for going up the stairs. and try to design a pit looking thing for going down. Then you will just be warped to the other side.
I think the factory should be a lot bigger. Make walls there or something and it will look like a wrecked entrance or something(3d looking).
The rock sprite is the best one. Use that.
It took me only 10 minutes.
The Tiles at the top should be changed to others without that brown thing, I was making something else up there and I didn't delete those same as the ones in the side.
I haven't tested it out ingame so it might animate itself into disappearance, but the terran "building being built" one is nice and plain. Starforge crashed after I placed it when I was trying to do something else so I haven't got a picture.
What about the Stair#3 and the plant idea? Put a plant there will do like a growing plant on the roof...
Beerkeg, no offense, but that's horrendously ugly and I'd prefer the squarated version.
It could be improved slightly, but I still agree. It looks like he tried to hard to coverup the line and in the process messed it up.
When i say it could be improved, the tile you said needs to be switched out can be placed on the right, where the stairs don't line up (the replaced tile of course. The problem however is if you used a shorten stairway it will not look natural.
Sessage, I already said i don't like the plant idea.
Check this one
I know mine is messep up and it can be better.
It was just an idea and I had to scrap a lot of tiles and finding the right tile aint easy.
If someone can fix it other than Clokr_'s cover up I swould have to say it would look quite good.
Mine is not just a coverup. It is a little fixed, but I cannot fix it more
Instead of that half ramp thing make the tiles first and have them loko like it's natural.
Then place the little ramp and see if it looks better.
It should eliminate the ugly tile that is to the left of the ramp.
It is not that easy, try it yourself and you will see lots of problems
I already did try it before and it's pretty hard.
Maybe use my and Clokr_'s dual ramp idea and place like a handrail you put in stair #4 and both sides and then on the other ramp also and around the edges.
Make take up a bit of sprites but it will look good.