Maps submitted (1)
Keep_on_moving_D.scmFirst place winner.
Score:37/50Theme: 10/10-Used 1 location that i see, and its a defense. Fits perfectly.
Funability: 17/25-The first few levels were hard, but as soon as I got ghosts, it was way to easy. It is really fun for the first 20 levels, but after I beat all 100 of the levels, I had enough. Pretty fun.
The music kept me going.
Professionalism:10/15-Your terrain was really simple, just used ruins to make the path and grass for building area. Every unit was named by their original name. No colors. And I had no clue where they were gonna come next. Purple's zerg buildings didnt show up in the beginning. The enemies went off the track when going diagonal. Other than that, it was a nice simple map. (can't be too harsh here, you did only use 1 location
and it works)
Minerals Awarded:300+50=350But since it is the only map entered it gets the second and third place prizes aswell.
so total minerals awarded is
650. Thank you for participating in the challenge.