QUOTE(Shocko @ Jul 25 2006, 01:18 PM)
bleh there is no instructions for getting the items i find it hard to know where the hell im supposed to go to get these bonuses but it is super fun as gunner or air guy coz u ge to shoot them up good but when u start getting hurt you REALLY start getting hurt :l
Thats why u suppose to look for them. Theres only 3 buildings how hard is it to get stuff?
Okay im going to be changing the Combat to Mechanic. Because ppl didnt really like him. The Mechanic will have supplys around the map so I use up all of it. And then it will pick up items to use which you can combie to make machines and stuff.
Thanks to Shocko, he didnt like the combat specialist. (believe me, he keeped on saying all this stuff) So he first said Druid, then I said to keep it realistic. He then said Commando, which commanded all of P5 Units. And we started a vote on if I should do it. And he said Mechanic which can build stuff. Since I havent used the terrain to its full potention its time for me to use it. There will be three slots and 6 items. You will need to look for stuff on the map to build stuff. Using the combination system from Trap Defense, but fixing stuff. You will have probes that will move into the three spots, if you have enough materials you will be able to make Machines, like some air units, robots. Things like that. I got plenty of units left, theres six levels. Even though theres only six levels, its hard believe me. You will actually need to run to get the items fast because there will be Zombies spawning next to them so they attack the building. I'll be adding more buildings so that Zombies dont attack the main base. If ten Zombies get to the helicopter pad you lose. If you withstand the attacks and make sure the Zombies dont get there you will win
Things I need to get done:
Combination system
Place items
Add traps so that its not easy to get the items.
Okay, im done with the placing the items. All I need to do is the creations, im kinda lost on wat they would lose.

Finally, after adding four combinations im done with the map. Ill be sending it to the Download DB. I hope you like it

, the briefing for the Mechanic is different from the others.