Upon review of the original Biohazard, not the Alpha i have a thread on now, i have decided to begin working on Biohazard again. Though etard is remaking it, with newnw terrain and a new name... I plan on making the original. I have spent several hours re finishing the demo and i'm still working on it. Chris i hope you dont mind, and we could always make one version Alpha, and the other a Beta seeing how we started the original together.
Alright sounds good to me I'll work harder and harder
Ok so... since I started to work on this map ALOT OF work actually in the past couple of days ive done at least near 35% of the map complete at least around 500-600 triggers done just in the past couple of days ive been putting myself in overdrive to complete this map and release a BETA v0.31 Version
so that SEN people may test and find glitchs and tell me so I can fish and balance more and even add more features and change other things.
More screenshots should be avaiable soon i just need to actually stop playing warcraft and go to Starcraft and take some screenshots hehe
the beta has no release date it'll be ready whenever i feel that ive worked on it enought that the beta can be released.. althought the BETA TESTING feedback has been very good my BETA TESTERS which will remain nameless
have said very promising things about my map and boost my confedence to complete the map so keep checking this thread for updates and more