Report, edit, etc...Posted by Storm_Templar on 2006-09-26 at 19:15:39
Bring 1 (Any unit) to "trade 4 units" Bring 1 (any unit) to "Unit 4 sell" Accumulate *set amount of resource*
Give 1 (any unit) at "unit 4 sell" to current player Set resources subtract *set amount of resources* Remove 1 (any unit) from "trade 4 units"
But thats if you want a location in your county or "beacon" of some kind to bring a unit to.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by micro119 on 2006-09-26 at 23:34:23
Nah im just gonna keep trade out of it, but im gonna put in a Tribute system of course.
By the way, if anyone wants to be a Beta tester let me know because my map is almost done, thx
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Storm_Templar on 2006-09-27 at 12:47:25
heck ya id love to be a beta tester for ur map i love civi and diplo maps (only RPG's beat em) ill PM u
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Nintendo_Confed on 2006-10-02 at 18:27:17
ill beta test
Report, edit, etc...Posted by micro119 on 2006-10-02 at 21:13:28
ya storm i was on last night, but i forgot your user name and i couldn't get onto for some reason, how bout wednesday? or friday maybe...... i dunno when i have a for sure 1-2 hours to test it lol just kinda add me on east [micro119] and if im on we can test i geuss