QUOTE(WoAHorde2 @ Oct 10 2006, 08:57 PM)
The 100,000 players palying currently is crap. I've taken a look at Runescape. Each server if I'm correct support's 2k players. Theres probally only 10,000 at the most playing at one time. And if you pay for Runescape, you really need to get a LIFE.
If you look on main page, at top it says how many people are currently playing
Also, theres exactly 132 servers, and they all have about 1k players each, do the math
and last about getting a life, what about the people paying 15 bucks a month for WoW?
I know its a great game but that makes a serious hole in ur pocket
QUOTE(FatalException @ Oct 10 2006, 12:15 AM)
Runescape is full of 't3h h4x0rz kekeke lol,' 'OMGN00Bscammers,' and people who go around saying, 'omg lol you wanna cyb3r lol?'
Then they DO cyber (if you know what I mean). Report any of this and nothing happens because you aren't a member. Even if you are a member, there's still a horribly low chance of your report getting through. RunEscape... Err, RuneScape can go die in a pit.
Since when? Ive been playing Runescape for about an year or 2 and ive NEVER seen anyone talk like that
Yes, i know theres a lot of people cybering (hate them) and ive gotten my reports through like 10 times
The ONLY annoying thing about rs are the noobs
they ask questions all day instead of looking for it on Rune Hq or Knowlege Base