While I agree with you that our representative democracy has failed to live up to our expectations, and should be replaced, I don't think true democracy is the way to go. Do you know just how many issues there are out there? Well, have you ever seen one of those signs that says 'No dumping, $1000 fine, city bylaw #12704'? Yeah. Do you really want to spend your time voting on 12704 bylaws for your city alone? True democracy worked fine about 10000 years ago, when society was not yet very complex. And while I agree that electronic voting makes things much easier, I still think there are too many issues for everyone to have their say. Delegation of the decision-making process has become a necessity.
So should there really be 12704 laws in my city? Another 10000 in my state and another 10000 federal laws that I have to follow? What makes each place different from any other? I hardly foresee 12704 major differences from my place to yours that require so many laws. The best option would be to have all laws apply to the entire nation, no need for Oklahoma to have a law against eating someone else's hamburger because somebody in X year got into a discussion about it and was shot.
The solution is simple, start cleaning off unnecessary laws, then have an elected committee choose the new set of laws. These laws would be revised every 5 years or so. The reason the populace won't directly vote on laws is simple, almost everyone speeds and has gotten a speeding ticket, we would kill ourselves going 120mph on the streets. There are many more laws like these which would have a similar effect.
This voting license does sound like a promising idea. The requirements would be fairly simple, for example, a High School diploma to start off with. You aren't technically educated without one of these, so theoretically, you can't make the analysis to make a decision to vote, since you haven't been educated. Other requirements could be for the committee which I mentioned in my first post, in order to vote for something like a road construction, you'd need people of several fields, like civil engineering, industrial engineering, economists and such.
This way, voting gets to be a bit more serious and you make sure the people who vote know what the full background of what is happening.