Wormholes are - from what I read so far - more of a connection of places that are far away, caused by deformation of space (dunno how it is actually called in English, the thing caused by gravity).
That is correct. It is usually called 'curving' or 'warping' of space. And to make it into a time machine, you build a very massive spaceship (or use a spaceship to tow a very massive object, pretty much the same thing in practice) and move it close to the wormhole, then fly around the
other end of the wormhole. According to certain interpretations of relativity and the way wormholes work, the resulting twisted wormhole would allow you to go back in time, however you would not be able to go back any farther than the time at which the wormhole was made.
Does this change in time happen enough for if someone did an experiment and stayed on planes for like a whole year just going on planes everyday only stopping to eat actual meals. Would they become noticely younger or older?
The relativity equation is 1/((1-((v^2)/(c^2)))^0.5), or, in proper notation:
So the rate at which the dilation changes compared to speed is not constant but rather increases as the speed increases.
Now, let's use
this calculator to find out whether your idea would work. We'll assume the plane moves at 900 KPH, which is about cruising speed for many commercial airliners, and the person on the ground is at rest. And we'll assume that the person flying in the airplane flies 24/7 for a whole year. Plug in 900 KPH and you get a dilation of 1.0000000000003477. The amount of a year less the person will age is therefore 1/1.0000000000003477, so the person ages about
one hundred thousandth of a second less. This scales directly with the amount of time spent in the airplane, so if you lived for 90 years you would still age only a thousandth of a second less than the person on the ground. If we assume that five years' age difference is necessary to make a noticeable change, then by the time you got off the plane, you would have been on it for about 14380212827154 years, or about 1000 times the age of the Universe.
Good luck on marketing your new anti-aging treatment! XD