I think you'll make StarForge "3.0" (without bugs and nice skin)
and open source the 2.0, only for private people
I can give you some ideas for StarForge "3.0" :- preview : open starcraft and automatly play the map
(ever be done with bwchart with replays, so it can be made i think)
- you perfect did terrain (save brush or what .sfb) u should maybe make same for units and sprites.
- if we edit the units settings, will be the edited name in the unit's list when u place units.
- if selected multiple units, possibility to see how much (like SCMDraft)
- can change the number of pixel changed when selected an unit and push arrow keys
- can modify the "default setting" for the create map function
- can remove strings in the string list
- checking for any newer version...
Now a list of bugs I have ever see in StarForge 2.0 :- move up/bottom/down/top triggers in the list
- fog of war
- dont draw all the units if they are stacked (make SF lags)
- when i add sounds in the mpq list for "virtual sounds", and i do "ok" and i go again in the sound editor, the sounds i put are duplicated
It is just IDEAS and LIST OF BUGS, i don't ask for anything. Just giving you ideas who would be cool to StarForge.
I use SCXE because there is some bugs in StarForge Triggers and Locations are easy to modify and nice
I use SCMDraft for saving map image and for the fog of war
If you could make these functions in StarForge, others programs will become useless

You are a god programmer Heimdal ! Keep up the good work ! I'm hoping for a new version of StarForge !