,Nov 11 2004, 11:04 AM]Here is the concept that I wrote. I haven't done the exact triggers as I plan on doing them this weekend. If you can work with this.
I can work off it for now, but the exact triggering would be nice [no I wont steal your triggers it's just best I study exactly how you're system works], but take your time I'm in no rush, I am building a map where courdination and a bullet system is a key factor. (Okay it's a duck hunter map, steal my idea)!
Devlin: Thank you.
I'll glady give SEN the triggers for my accuracy system. I expect them to be done by Sunday.
Lol Duck Hunt on SC, thats a great concept = great game.
It would be awesome to know to that I helped make a good map.
QUOTE(BeeR_KeG[eM] @ Nov 11 2004, 11:42 AM)
I'll glady give SEN the triggers for my accuracy system. I expect them to be done by Sunday.
Lol Duck Hunt on SC, thats a great concept = great game.
It would be awesome to know to that I helped make a good map.
Well if I incorporated/outright used your concepts in my map I'd gladly give you credit. =)
One thing about Beer's shooting system, I'm not exactly sure how multiple targets would be handled.
It will either hit the center most target or the lower left most target would be hit first so on and so on.
II will tell you guys everything about my system when I finish testing it.
Here are some stats of the testing weapons I will make.
-I will be using a beacon system to make the trigger since it is the easiest to reset and after all thi is just a test and not something to showoff triggers.
-I've decided that there will be one set of Random Switches per gun each Random switch will have a different gun and accuracy desingned into it.
-You will be a civilian since it can't attack phsysically so there won't be any atatcking interference.
-Bullets will do a one shot kill, since we are only testing if it works. You can later modify it so that it only takes a certain amount of damage(%), but ti will be hard to calculate when will it die.
Some Guns and gun stats i will test.
%Accuracy: This sets how the Randomization trigger will work.
Attack Speed: I will have a separate death Counter trigger working on switches so that there will be a gun cooldown. (Slow 3 seconds, Normal one second, Fast 0.25 seconds)
-Hand Gun: 50% Accuracy and normal speed
-Uzi: 25% Accuracy and high speed
-Sniper Rifle: 95% Accuracy and slow speed
-Machine Gun: 20% Accuracy and no cooldown(it shoots depending on how fast you hit the trigger)
-ShotGun: *Special* hit several targets, I will make it shoot multiple bullets at once but I don't think I will be able to regulate when the locations will fire. Maybe make another trigger shooting at units within a 5x5? location(Blast radius) around the initial target. Slow speed.
I will also attempt to put range limitations per gun be making a big location depending on the type of gun around the shooter. with that location I will have to have the target within that location(Range limitation).
What is the so called trigger button?
Using a dropship system so you can use like " Shoot Weapon, Reload Weapon, Drop Weapon, Switch Weapon?"
Does your system deal with moving targets? I mean does it curve or dive? [does it follow or does it go where it last was?]
I believe it goes to where your cursor is ( the observer ) at it's last original place.
The trigger that fires everything is the gun trigger not Staredit triggers. It would be the equivalent of a Gun trigger.
The bullet(Scourge) will go to where the unit was standing when you hit the trigger. I might have to make it a different way as to 250 milliseconds or something like that since scourges are way too slow to actually simulate a bullet.
I will be using a automatic fireing system which does not require you to put an observer to the place where you want to shoot, the system will shoot the center most or bottom left most target. I'm not sure since I'm currently making all the triggers and stuff.
I will not make the shotgun at this moment because it will take lots of modifiations from the others gun systems.