hmmm, this is weirding me out, I opened up tech use requirements for scanner sweep. The code looked like it's a stim pack or something. The units are all like "terran marine" "Terran Firebat" Gui Montag, SCV is at the end... but the scanner sweep
was working on the comsat station when I loaded the mod.
EDIT: wait a second, there are two entries labeled scanner sweep, I don't know why. The second one looks right, comsat station, I'll change that one.
EDIT: I think I might have accidentally changed stim packs to scanner sweep.(Maybe by using the list under the tabs instead of the list at the left
) Upon changing it back the way I think it was before, and changing scanner sweep to allow SCVs to use it, scanner sweep worked perfectly, and I tried to kill a zerg base with my SCVs.(Stupid overlords!!) scanning all over. Unfortuneately, my lockdown and mealstrom were still greyed out, even though it was checked researched in stargraft. Perhaps I should take another look at it.
EDIT AGAIN: I changed the req types to always, and they seemed to go fine, but there's still the matter of making techs pre-researched, which I need to learn to do.
EDIT, I HOPE THIS IS THE LAST ONE: your hotkey for scanner sweep doesn't work, since it uses the same hotkey, "s", as the stop command.