QUOTE(x BakaPeter x @ Sep 18 2006, 03:56 PM)
CnC/Comments and Criticisms
And Current Sig too.
Lol are you kidding me... .5/10
5/10 for your current that one looks good. and good job on massing c4ds.
QUOTE(Lithium @ Sep 19 2006, 05:09 AM)
rate it
QUOTE(EdAi @ Sep 19 2006, 04:01 PM)
rate my current plz
an my 2 latest:
and made this cuz everyone liked my fiery sprite:
if u want the second one, then go to the Mp)Art thread in the Mp) forums
Why does the effect look exactly the same? What are you using? Is it some kind of C4D you are just using to create that effect? Becuase your old sprite sig and that one looks exactly the same.
your current
Uh keep working guys. HolySin makes amazing stuff.
QUOTE(x BakaPeter x @ Sep 22 2006, 09:04 PM)
Rate please.
Critisms and Comments.
This a joke? Negative space is just horrable, your text are making me barf. You seriously call yourself a graphic artist? But dude its ok, your works are still good compair to everyone here. Espeically DEAD... Who seems to call HolySins work crap when all he can do is copy and page images...