QUOTE(Echo @ Jun 17 2006, 10:30 PM)
So, u only get to work on ur map on weekends?
Did anyone read that topic i posted up there?
QUOTE(Spartan-004 @ Jun 17 2006, 10:53 PM)
Hey, can i be in your game? i can be a bad guy!
QUOTE(FaiLuRe. @ Jun 18 2006, 03:19 AM)
Err, didn't you do this like a month ago?
Yep, except i was just feelin bad last time (lol)
i actually have a real reason for being sad this time! Yay!? =(
QUOTE(HorroR @ Jun 18 2006, 05:17 PM)
If you read through the topic, the guy keeps saying no more members.
Thank you i didnt have to say it for once
QUOTE(Mp)Dada @ Jun 18 2006, 07:02 PM)
Lyon when are you gonna lock this topic you said you cant keep working on and you couldnt do anything to it cuz you could only come one during weekends...
So is anyone taking the map or are you getting rid of it...?
if it comes down to it, on Friday, if no one takes it Voyager will be taking over (omg!)
QUOTE(Echo @ Jun 18 2006, 08:42 PM)
how bout while ur not on the computer, think of ideas, write them down, and then put it on the week end
....Did ANYONE read my post?