Hold on leme find my Yugioh cards....ah there we go
Card: T-MaStAA (high templar.( Zombie_da_sniper took my unit

Stars: 1
Attack: 0
Deffense: 0
Ability: Takes control of any monster on the field. Treat the selected monster as an equip card. T-MaStAA cannot die if the card that he controls is still in play.
T-MaStAA can only be summoned if the card "T-MaStAA's illusion ritual" magic card is in play.
looks like I will need two cards. It would add a cool aspect to the game and I don't see any trouble trigger wise.
If you dont wana do that, make me a 7 star, attack 2750, defese 2400 regular card.
Ive noticed alot of people are the simple units. Maybe invent your own traps n' spells with things like "all zerg(any race) units are invincible for 4 turns" Cause in the real game they have like "all insect cards are invincible"
I also find that alot of peoples special abilities are stupid and a little too "awsome"
Mainly why I change them.