QUOTE(nimadude @ Jan 8 2006, 05:20 PM)
So the way I understand it..
Lets say you set this triggers for unit slots 1-20. Now would this mean that for any unit created within 1 of these slots, the triggers would apply to him?
With my map rocket fighters I'm just wondering because there are 4 units in the arena that fight. They die, they respawn etc. When they die and get respawned they will most likely respawn in one of the 1-20 slots right? so it would permanently work?
I believe if you have the respawn triggers in the correct order, they will respawn correctly into their slots.
QUOTE(FeaR @ Jan 8 2006, 05:27 PM)
Ok im jsut starting EUD's and i tried it for 1 Player and its very nice amazing i almost creamed my pants I was so amazed anyway.
I wish to put it in one of my maps called [ Biohazard ], a Horror survial map with gun sounds and stuff.. anyway
How would you make it to work for all players but only you hear your own Sound becuz i messed around with it abit.. and I can hear everybody elses gunfire and mine wont shoot or I can't hear it.
You need to assign a unit slot for each player and then only have that player command a unit in that slot.
QUOTE(PodFedJay @ Jan 8 2006, 05:35 PM)
lol urmom questions for me, yes whats the deathcounter for ghost? because it doens't work for ghost (kerrigan)
For unit Id, does it implie when you place unit, go properties and see the UnitID? or something else? (STARFORGE)
Unit slots work like this:
They are the units placed in order on the map.
SCXE farks up unit slots because it reorders the units by going from top left to bottom right going across.
Currently, the only tool to check the unit slots is
You use the number for the cooldown for ALL UNITS.