I dont know. someone link me to it, I've never played it.
Because you're spamming the topic with retarded posts talking about how great your map was. Wait a minute... I'm getting something from the news desk:
NO ONE CARESSo plz gu awey kekethnxbai
Zombie you didn't know Windex does that?

If your CDs never read use Windex, or Axe (The Body Spray) for windex wipe it off from the center then outward, if you do it in a circular way you can seriously fark up your cd. Try to use a towel, like the towels you use for drying yourself once out of the shower. If you use axe put water on it first.

I suggest copying it, or else you'll have to rebuy it for $20 dollars (I only needed BW but they don't sell brood war anymore, just bundles).
. with a long copy process of the install.exe