arfin made a really good point, try a back pack for key items and herbs, and everything else you really need, weapons so on
No he hasnt.
He is complianing abaut realistizm.
In a real life when your are escaping from zombies (lol) u cant watch what you are doing and grab things from back pack at the same time.
If i made the dropship backpack system or removed the kay system my map wouldnt be so original too.
I made that system coz no one ever made 1 (as far as i know)
The dropship system is alredy inplaced in tonz of maps.
Im not that kind of guy who copies eveything from other maps.
I always want to make something revolutionary in every way.
It could be a little laggy
The lag is removed in newsest version.
Spelling errors were kind of annoying and the farking lings are too
The unplaceble lings bug is removed.
Im from Poland.
English isnt my home language.
whens the updated demo coming out?
That is the gazilion dolar question.
I can post newest version today without the lag or bugs and with Fire department and new items and npcs and quests (lol)
But still the main goal of the demo will be the same...
Detonate the main street.
So far i did only 1 new location but it is option to go there.
So i think it will be better to wait when im done with 1 full ending.
It will take some time but it will be worth it.
And besides im in the middle of creating the occupation system.
So for now try to beat the demo.
It will take u some time beacouse its hard.
By the way anyone here ever made to the 1 and only Boss of the demo??