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Report, edit, etc...Posted by Mune'R0x on 2006-04-16 at 16:46:54
QUOTE(SlyShadow @ Apr 16 2006, 03:00 PM)
the beer and alcohol and cigarettes than the medicinal use of marijuana in my opinion causes more deaths and violence.  there are still people that are drinking and driving that gets into car accidents.  other than that, drinking too much beer gives you hangovers, go into a coma, and then maybe death from alcohol abuse.  the stuff in beer are poisonous to human cells.  if i remember correctly, it takes your body 6 hours to detoxify an ounce of beer.
unfortunately, there are more side effects than i said...but that breakdown.

Last time I checked (A couple hours ago, and it was more of an experience than a check up) but smoking marijuana doesn't put you in comas. Do you know how much marijuana you'd have to smoke to get the same effect as being drunk? I haven't been high on marijuana to the point where I'm falling over and blacking out.[/NOTRIGHT]
Report, edit, etc...Posted by BeeR_KeG on 2006-04-16 at 16:52:16
Let me clarify the issues with US Customs which Kellimus asked me to post in more detail.

When importing merchandise, you need to fill out forms, have background checks, etc...

If you have a good record, Customs will let you fill out these papers up to 10 days in advance of the actual merchandise arriving and when it does arrive, you just pick it up.
Now, since all these drug dealers would most probably be first time importers, they won't have that 10 day grace period, instead, they have to fill and give those forms the day in which the merchandise arrives. Then you need to wait 10 days to get that merchandise out of the docks.

Then you have container ownership issues. Nobody will fill an entire container with marijuana, which means that the same container will have different owners of different merchandise. This will promote even greater chances of having to open up the container, search it up and inventorize every single item in there, which could take days.

Then you need to pay everything within a certain amount of days within the merchandise arriving. (Don't remember if it was 30 or 15). Since drug dealers don't have a steady market, they may miss up on payments, and if you don't pay, they confiscate your merchandise until further notice.

Then, since marijuana is a plant, it needs to pass certain "Enviromental" laws and protections for it to get in. This means more paperwork, more taxes and more waiting. Also, they'd need to use refrigerated containers because the ship's travel takes several days and you don't want your pot to go bad. And believe me, refrigerated containers are expensive.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Kupo on 2006-04-16 at 16:55:19
QUOTE(donwano @ Apr 16 2006, 11:35 AM)
There were far more deaths and crimes involved with prohibition and bootlegging alochol.  And what happened?  Alcohol was made legal again.[/NOTRIGHT]

Well there is an age limit to alcohal which makes it legal, and it's upon your doing to drink responsably.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Mune'R0x on 2006-04-16 at 16:59:04
QUOTE(Kupo @ Apr 16 2006, 03:54 PM)
Well there is an age limit to alcohal which makes it legal, and it's upon your doing to drink responsably.

Exactly, so they could make an age limit to marijuana and make it your job to smoke responsibly.[/NOTRIGHT]
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Mune'R0x on 2006-04-16 at 19:40:26
QUOTE(thien @ Apr 16 2006, 02:43 PM)
There hasn't been any reported deaths of the use of Marijuana. Cigarettes and Alcohol cause more deaths then anyother drug used except for Crack Cocaine and Heroine. And yet they won't legalize Marijuana when it's less lethal then all the other drugs.

Sure there has, I'm guessing you haven't seen any of those Maurijana commericals. They don't just sit around all day thinking about what is believeable to happen. I don't have any real hard proof evidence like stats from the FBI or something, but you're trying to say that no one has ever tried jumping off a building because they thought they were invincable. Achool is in a lot of medical things though, and has a lot of different ways of being handled. Like if your an achoolic, you don't chug ounces of disenfecting liquids, you'd die. Different achools and different amounts do different things. With Marijuana it's the same thing pretty much.

I looked up marijuana as a medical use and the most it does it pain relief, which we have already.

Nobody thinks their invincible when they're high... That's crazy talk. And we don't mean marijuana related deaths. We mean like someone overdosing on marijuana and dying. People die from substance related everything these days.[/NOTRIGHT]
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Wilhelm on 2006-04-16 at 21:52:18
It's too easy to grow marijuana, therby, they can't tax it. You can like, grow it under a lamp in your basement, whereas tobacco is hard as hell to grow. Can't tax= can't be regulated= they won't legalize it.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Mune'R0x on 2006-04-16 at 22:13:12
QUOTE(donwano @ Apr 16 2006, 06:40 PM)
Sure there has, I'm guessing you haven't seen any of those Maurijana commericals. They don't just sit around all day thinking about what is believeable to happen. I don't have any real hard proof evidence like stats from the FBI or something, but you're trying to say that no one has ever tried jumping off a building because they thought they were invincable. Achool is in a lot of medical things though, and has a lot of different ways of being handled. Like if your an achoolic, you don't chug ounces of disenfecting liquids, you'd die. Different achools and different amounts do different things. With Marijuana it's the same thing pretty much.

I looked up marijuana as a medical use and the most it does it pain relief, which we have already.

Nobody thinks their invincible when they're high...  That's crazy talk.  And we don't mean marijuana related deaths.  We mean like someone overdosing on marijuana and dying.  People die from substance related everything these days.[/NOTRIGHT]

WTF???? It melded Golden-Fist's and my posts together and made it say I posted. What the hell? I only said the part in green, Golden-Fist made the white stuff. ROFL, that's weird.[/NOTRIGHT]
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Golden-Fist on 2006-04-17 at 00:27:18
QUOTE(donwano @ Apr 16 2006, 09:12 PM)
WTF????  It melded Golden-Fist's and my posts together and made it say I posted.  What the hell?  I only said the part in green, Golden-Fist made the white stuff.  ROFL, that's weird.[/NOTRIGHT][right][snapback]467097[/snapback][/right]

Thank god for you using Green all the time wink.gif (Or "Lime")
Nobody thinks their invincible when they're high...  That's crazy talk.  And we don't mean marijuana related deaths.  We mean like someone overdosing on marijuana and dying.  People die from substance related everything these days

Well if "no one does" then where did the entire mainstream flow of advertising called "Television" get the idea that everyone who smokes it does? Overdosing? No one has died from Overdose of Achool either, because if you ever get close you pass out anyway.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Demaris on 2006-04-17 at 01:04:26
Well if "no one does" then where did the entire mainstream flow of advertising called "Television" get the idea that everyone who smokes it does? Overdosing? No one has died from Overdose of Achool either, because if you ever get close you pass out anyway.

1. The media is known for exaggerating and taking things out of context.

2. Plenty of people have died from alcohol poisoning.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Kellodood on 2006-04-17 at 08:13:38
QUOTE(SlyShadow @ Apr 16 2006, 01:00 PM)
just comes to show you how diverse and complicated the government can become.  they rather legalize drugs that are more harmful to their citizens health than helping.  medicinal marijuana would help on curing or preventing some certain critical diseases, but government says its illgeal to sell them so i don't get what the government is doing. 
i think sometimes, the government rather wants the population to decrease than increasing.  they rather get money of the more harmful things than contribute to human health.

the beer and alcohol and cigarettes than the medicinal use of marijuana in my opinion causes more deaths and violence.  there are still people that are drinking and driving that gets into car accidents.  other than that, drinking too much beer gives you hangovers, go into a coma, and then maybe death from alcohol abuse.  the stuff in beer are poisonous to human cells.  if i remember correctly, it takes your body 6 hours to detoxify an ounce of beer.
unfortunately, there are more side effects than i said...but that breakdown.

Marijuanna cannot cure cancer.

QUOTE(donwano @ Apr 16 2006, 01:46 PM)
Last time I checked (A couple hours ago, and it was more of an experience than a check up) but smoking marijuana doesn't put you in comas.  Do you know how much marijuana you'd have to smoke to get the same effect as being drunk?  I haven't been high on marijuana to the point where I'm falling over and blacking out.[/NOTRIGHT]

Neither have I brotha! I've smoked about a quarter before of some mids. Still didn't black out.

QUOTE(BeeR_KeG @ Apr 16 2006, 01:51 PM)
Let me clarify the issues with US Customs which Kellimus asked me to post in more detail.

When importing merchandise, you need to fill out forms, have background checks, etc...

If you have a good record, Customs will let you fill out these papers up to 10 days in advance of the actual merchandise arriving and when it does arrive, you just pick it up.
Now, since all these drug dealers would most probably be first time importers, they won't have that 10 day grace period, instead, they have to fill and give those forms the day in which the merchandise arrives. Then you need to wait 10 days to get that merchandise out of the docks.

Then you have container ownership issues. Nobody will fill an entire container with marijuana, which means that the same container will have different owners of different merchandise. This will promote even greater chances of having to open up the container, search it up and inventorize every single item in there, which could take days.

Then you need to pay everything within a certain amount of days within the merchandise arriving. (Don't remember if it was 30 or 15). Since drug dealers don't have a steady market, they may miss up on payments, and if you don't pay, they confiscate your merchandise until further notice.

Then, since marijuana is a plant, it needs to pass certain "Enviromental" laws and protections for it to get in. This means more paperwork, more taxes and more waiting. Also, they'd need to use refrigerated containers because the ship's travel takes several days and you don't want your pot to go bad. And believe me, refrigerated containers are expensive.

But you do realise it's the government, and they can bypass this, do you not?

QUOTE(Golden-Fist @ Apr 16 2006, 09:26 PM)
Thank god for you using Green all the time wink.gif (Or "Lime")

Well if "no one does" then where did the entire mainstream flow of advertising called "Television" get the idea that everyone who smokes it does? Overdosing? No one has died from Overdose of Achool either, because if you ever get close you pass out anyway.

Ever heard of propaganda? Fabrications?

QUOTE(Demaris @ Apr 16 2006, 10:04 PM)

1. The media is known for exaggerating and taking things out of context.

2. Plenty of people have died from alcohol poisoning.


What he said.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Golden-Fist on 2006-04-17 at 10:36:26
QUOTE(Kellimus @ Apr 17 2006, 07:13 AM)
Ever heard of propaganda?  Fabrications?[right][snapback]467226[/snapback][/right]

Yes. But fabrications have to fabricate SOMETHING. They didn't just pull sideeffects out of there ass.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by scwizard on 2006-04-17 at 11:57:44
I don't think anything should be illegal, but especially weed because it's so widespread.

I don't do it because it's a waste of time and I believe its regular use might negatively impacts your work on other things (although I have no scientific evidence to back that up, just personal circumstantial evidence).
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Kyuubi. on 2006-04-17 at 13:07:04
QUOTE(Kellimus @ Apr 17 2006, 04:13 AM)
Marijuanna cannot cure cancer.

yea, theres nothing at present time to to cure cancer it when you have it. but in some sources i read, marijuana or maybe some other substances can be used to at least slow down the effect of cancer from spreading throughout your body or even prevent it from spreading(i'm not sure) when the disease is detected early.

anyway, marijuana can be used in useful or in a maniac way, depends how people will use them and not get addicted to it. but i'd figure it would help more than the damage caused by it, or maybe at least let medical scientists research the substance a bit.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Kellodood on 2006-04-17 at 15:51:02
QUOTE(Golden-Fist @ Apr 17 2006, 07:36 AM)
Yes. But fabrications have to fabricate SOMETHING. They didn't just pull sideeffects out of there ass.

Do you honestly think the government plays by the rules?

They will do anything to keep the public from becoming educated. Because then they won't have their foothold in the world anymore, because everyone wouldn't put up with their bullshiz anymore.

And they can't have that, because they wouldn't have money anymore.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Mune'R0x on 2006-04-17 at 19:57:40
Well, remember the commercials that said, "Buying marijuana supports terrorism?"

Well, what if good ole donwano here decides to grow some marijuana himself and sells it? And I keep the money for myself. Is that supporting terrorism?

Didn't think it was. So...

Like I said several times before... Drugs are only as bad as society makes them out to be. Understand what I mean?
Report, edit, etc...Posted by RexyRex on 2006-04-17 at 20:51:31
QUOTE(Kellimus @ Apr 17 2006, 12:50 PM)
Do you honestly think the government plays by the rules?
Yes, because they made them.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Mune'R0x on 2006-04-17 at 20:55:05
So that means they can break them when ever they want without having anything happen to then, ya know?[/NOTRIGHT]
Report, edit, etc...Posted by RexyRex on 2006-04-17 at 20:59:29
George Bush cannot get away with mass murder and not go to jail.

[joke]Just kidding, he already has.[/joke]

As for marijuana...I really don't think they care. Neither do I. ermm.gif

Pot is pot, do what you want with it. Police get bored so they'll screw you over just because they can. Or at least the meanies that live here do.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Mune'R0x on 2006-04-17 at 21:03:19
Well, I do care. If meanie cops want to screw around like that... Shti, they'll get capped.[/NOTRIGHT]
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Kellodood on 2006-04-17 at 21:12:57
Wanna kill some cops?

Kill Preston, Idaho's cops.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Mune'R0x on 2006-04-17 at 21:20:25
Well, I haven't really had a problem with the cops. Besides that one time at Wal Mart. Other than that I keep pretty well uncaught. Besides those five times with my parents.[/NOTRIGHT]
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Wilhelm on 2006-04-19 at 06:09:23
Once again, marijuana is just too hard to tax, if it can't be taxed, the government can't control the trafficking of it. They can mostly control alcohol and tobacco is easy to regulate, because you need a huge freakin' farm to grow it. It all boils down to money. Hell, the North stopped participating in slavery because it wasn't profitable anymore, they could have one factory worker with a machine, and they wouldn't have to feed him.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by thien on 2006-04-19 at 06:34:16
If we substitute a tax on marijuana cigarettes equal to the difference between the local production cost and the street price people currently pay--that is, transfer the revenue from the current producers and marketers (many of whom work with organized crime) to the government, leaving all other marketing and transportation issues aside we would have revenue of (say) $7 per [unit]. If you could collect on every cigarette and ignore the transportation, marketing, and advertising costs, this comes to over $2 billion on Canadian sales and substantially more from an export tax, and you forego the costs of enforcement and deploy your policing assets elsewhere.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Slyence on 2006-04-22 at 10:44:05
It's time we stop treating the subject as though prohibitionists have formed a valid argument in support of the war on marijuana. The reality of the situation is quite simple, marijuana should be legalized and there really are no consistant, rational reasons why it shouldn't.

First, the legalization of marijuana asserts and reaffirms mans unconditional right to liberty, and the right to use ones own body however one see's necessary. Anything short of absolute legalization is a direct infringement on this principle and thus a violation of mans rights. Under this standard, all drugs should be legalized.

From a cost-benefit perspective, the war on marijuana is borderline psychotic government policy. We may as well be burning down homeless shelters and food drives, as the end result would be the same in terms of our accomplishments. Nearly nothing is gained from the war on marijuana and only billions of dollars lost, ignoring the obvious loss of liberty inherent in the idea.

For these reasons, marijuana should be legalized unconditionally, and we should stop trying to justify a position that is self-evidently the most rational, to a self-evidently irrational audience; the prohibitionists.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Kp.ZpfW-PanzerIII on 2006-04-25 at 00:00:27
Look, If you put a cocaine addict, alcoholic, and ' pot head ' into recovery for say, 6 months they all get treated and leave there addictions behind. The alcoholic will be normal, aswell as the cocaine addict, aside from some physical characteristics. But the pot head will be a jack ass, they will act like a retard, and it will be something they live with the rest of there life. You may think it has its benefits but in the long run it can really fark up your adult hood..

Did some one already say this, I didnt read all the posts ^.^
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