QUOTE(Kellimus @ May 10 2006, 11:40 AM)
It would work if they didn't think that anything/everything said to them is a flame *CoughKrazyCough*
Most members here are immature and think that you're flaming them, when you just try to help them (From my observation. Not first-hand experience) out.
How would your plan work when their mind-set is: "OH EM GEE! HEE IS FLAMING ME BECAUSE HE IS GEEVING ME CRITIQUE!"??
Kellimus, you call people twist, pathetic, tell them to stfu & leave & you want respect to yourself ? No offence, but I think that you don't accept other points of view. I will rephrase you: "everything is perception". So if everything is perception, different people can understand the same thing differently.
You can explain your opinion & proove somebody wrong in A MANNER WAY.
I agree with Golden-Fist that nobody will become better just becawse someone told "Hey, let's all be nice to eachother!". People need strict controll, like in the classroom - don't controll your students & they will make it hell.
my ideas are the following:
-make less warn levels
-make a list of people that should be controlled more than others
-if a person is flaming/spamming/something else, warn him/her IN THE TOPIC, so people will know, how should they not act
-to avoid posts like "it was not a flame, [mod's name]", increase warn level if the warned peorson will reply to the warn post in the topic. PM instead.
-mods/admins should read all the posts
-to make the all this real, make a fiew more peopel admins (i understand that you are not administrating robots)
-maybe make a topic in every forum SD, LD, N about latest news of warning people & FOR WHAT.
Ok, I may have no idea about how SEN functions, so my ideas can be totally stupid.
My general idea: be stricter & do it infront of the people.
Some may say that SEN will turn into something closer to military dictatorship, but I think you should try. Besides, a good member has nothing to be afraid of.