QUOTE(Mp)Lyon @ May 31 2006, 04:30 PM)
Moogle you are teh 1337 in the Trailer. lol
Crimson..uh...i dunno..
Doomgaze, if you really want in, ask moogle. cause i pretty much do whatever he says, lol.
Huh? not my map, dont need do what i say lol. Yes i saw myself in trailer. GO MY UBER ARMY OF LEG HUMPERS I WILL CRUSH THE PIT ONE DAY AND TAKE OVA THE WORLD OR CHASE LYON!
QUOTE(DoomGaze @ May 31 2006, 04:33 PM)
I thought you were in charge of this map...?
It doesn't really matter whether I'm in the map or not. It's your choice.
He is in charge, not i.
QUOTE(DoomGaze @ May 31 2006, 06:18 PM)
I've learned from last time not to properly review demos, so you're going to have a rather basic critique this time around. And yes, this is a demo, not a trailer.
Well, there were some errors concerning which words were capitalized, and which words weren't. Also, there was this line, I don't remember which one, but the a is not supposed to be part of the word. It's a vague description, but go look around your triggers and you'll find the mistake eventually. The intro was a bit slow, with a lot of lines, but little action. You should spice things up with some random things flying by to add some humour, or maybe something else that I can't think of right now. I'm a bit taken back by the fact that there were no wavs at all, but I'm sure you'll add them by the end of production, so there's little problem in that.
As for the map interest, there's two ways you can go. Either add loads of fancy fireworkds, special effects, and all that jazz and awe the audience, or stun them with an amazing script. Or you could do both. From the looks of the demo thus far, you seem to be relying on rather crude humor so far, which isn't necessarily a bad thing, but you won't be able to keep it interesting for long with it. What you need to do is add a wider range of humor, say satirical, parodizing, sarcasm, irony, pathos, and all those other literary devices in order to appeal to a greater audience, and keep things amusing for everyone. Or you could go crazy with Tuxedo Templar-esque trailer effects (great, now he even has his own brand of style imprinted unto the community) and make this an eye candy film instead.
Tru, some of text could be improved along with some other stuff, as DG said add fly bys, birds flying around getting eaten by mutalisk or wraith chasing a mutalisk then flying away becaus 6 mutas chasing him then fly back bacause a scv comes on scene holding something lol
; humour bit dull but could use some spicing up. But overall pretty nice.