Thank you Veeger for that long, but rather informative post.
You're very welcome. I used to be a regular at Warboards.Org and its Intellectual Roundtable before the Plant I work at added the site to the internet filter. It's nice to find another site (ironically, also based on Starcraft) that I can wrestle mentally with fellow gamers about serious issues. So many people play games and don't pay attention to the world around them -- it's sad.
Another major factor was that California went free, not slave, and the South was worried that abolitionists would control Congress.
The South has never cared what Californians think.
No, I'm just kidding (lol). That was another coal on the fire that I failed to mention, yes. Thank you for bringing it up, too. To answer your claim, let me ask you a question.
Did we fight Germany in WWII because they were torturing Jews, Christians, homosexuals, and pagan worshipers?
No, we didn't. Those facts did not come out until near the end of the war. We knew that Hitler was racist, and that he treated those who were not 'aryan' as second class citizens, but we did not realize the scope of his hatred. In the same light, slavery was a minor issue (it was an issue, I'm not saying that -- it just wasn't one of the top three, IMO) until the Emancipation Proclaimation. That speech, which technically didn't free anyone (despite what I'm sure you learned in school -- google it and read it) was a purely political move. By assigning a moral to the North's aggression and invasion into the Southern states, President Lincoln kept British interests out of the war, out of fear that they would be branded as pro-slavery.
Had Britain sent aid, as they had indicated prior to the Gettysburg Address that they would, there is a smidget of a chance the South might could have pulled it off.
They didn't, but the point remains. The EP was a political move. Nothing more.
We are, however, slipping away from this topic's original post. Maybe we should start a separate topic should you (or others) wish to continue this discussion.
Back on topic -- Vermont seceeding is stupid, and will not happen. I find the idea laughable.