This isnt a real majory thing that has to be added it would just be a nice thing
Add more colors, cause guessing with the numbers is hard add colors like black, the other tans, blues, greens, and stuff like that but it isnt a major thing.
Colors to what? Player colors? Those are unpredictable past player 12, theres no way he can just 'add' them and make them work in game.
Add a mirror option for terraining. What I mean by this is that it'll do the same terrain move to the tile with the opposite coordinates. Like if I added cliff to 2,2 on a 128x128 map, it would add cliff to 127,127 also. Could be useful for melee mapmaking and for UMS too.
QUOTE(Urmom(U) @ Jan 9 2007, 09:02 PM)
Add a mirror option for terraining. What I mean by this is that it'll do the same terrain move to the tile with the opposite coordinates. Like if I added cliff to 2,2 on a 128x128 map, it would add cliff to 127,127 also. Could be useful for melee mapmaking and for UMS too.
it may be possible to mirror terrain placed with the isom brush, that would be about it.
Dear SEN,
I have been decieving you all these years, I am in fact, a male.
Chuiu what are you talking about. In SCM you can type in a number from 1-255 and get a color, some are the same some are not. Numbers 1-12 are blue green pale yellow orange and colors like that that he has as words. All i am saying is that to change more numbers into words...
Also it would be nice if they scroll down box was bigger
This is what i was saying before
-Create a platelet that is attached to anything you can instert a text to, this platelet would be just like the Starforge one.
MenuThe one that should text colors and ha sthe bar to copy and paste it but instead of copy and paste it would just be a click it and it is auto inserted And possiblly make it so the number pad or number step correlates to a color.
And what I'm saying is he has already changed all the numbers to words for colors that work and are what they say they are. Past a certain amount it will change per tileset or patch number and there is no guarantee it won't crash SC.
Minor quip:
Currently to input a negative number into the unit and hero settings for HP, you need to input a really really high positive number.
Remedy this so like in starforge you can simply enter -1 if what you desire is a unit with -1 hit points.
QUOTE(chuiu @ Jan 10 2007, 05:18 PM)
And what I'm saying is he has already changed all the numbers to words for colors that work and are what they say they are.[right][snapback]612106[/snapback][/right]
Huh? I just tried: "<red>Destroy all enemy" in SCMD version 0.7.3 and it didn't work. I also see nothing about this on the first post of this topic under "Planned / Accepted suggestions".
He was talking about player colors, not text formatting.
except no exstended units and you cant move locations off the map in SCMDraft.
Actaully you can do locations off the map, just resize the map larger than you want create a location then resize it back. So Starforge only has one benifit extended units.
How many freaking times to I have to say this? Scmdraft has been able to do extended units even before Starforge was ever made.
if you know how please share.
I added that? I dont remember doing that actually
I added that? I dont remember doing that actually wink.gif
Hah I win!!! lol
QUOTE(Kookster @ Jan 12 2007, 07:53 AM)
Hah I win!!! lol
you probably win, but I may really not know, for example I noticed the other day that I made hallucinations die with a smoke cloud and didn't remember that I had already added that
well if it can do extended units its pretty well hidden
well I just ran across code in the iscript to handle the unit index changing, maybe its somewhere
Oh crap, I thought you were talking about extended players. Well you're right, SCMD can't do extended units.
can it do extended players?? cause I tried that, and it seemed it couldnt.
Just enter in whatever player number you want and place units. Or select units and change the player number to whatever you want.
well well well you are correct. Good to know thanks! I kept trying to change it by typing player ... and it wouldnt work that way, but with just numbers it works.
as of 0.7.0 or 2 or 3 or one of those it accepts player xx and xx for extended players
Well From what I have seen and learnt I agree extended units would be needed and would be nice.