Not to spoil your fun talking about spinners and the like, but there are a few things that I would like to say, then you can go back to spinners lol
QUOTE(Mp)7-7 @ Nov 9 2006, 09:35 PM)
I agree, I dont think time travel is possible. It just is too complicated, though Black Holes are known to stop it so I dont really know, because I believe that Black Holes stop time because they stop everything else and you will forever see the person inside a Black Hole. So yes time exists, I just dont think mankind will ever touch it!
No, blackholes do not stop time. Time was invented by us. Sure it makes sence that as the sun crosses the sky, we make a mesurement for it. People like to know what is going on in the world around them..... so they try to ogranize everything so they can feel in controle.
QUOTE(LoserMusician2 @ Nov 10 2006, 12:51 AM)
The idea behind it is pretty hard to understand, but it's the only way you can acheive having the ability to travel into the past. And it's this:
You don't go back into the past. You make the past come back to you.
I'll use an example:
Say you have an old 1920 house. And it's run down, and you want to restore it back to the way it was. So you clean it up and what not, and bam. It's back to the way it was. You technically did time travelling, but not really because it's on such an inaccurate and small scale.
But if that scale was much larger, and was much more accurate. (Like restoring the entire world exactly the way it was in 1920) Then that would be considered time traveling into the past. However, this can never be acheived unless some major scientific breakthroughs occur.
Umm... Thats almost like MY theory on how to fly. (Whitch is throw yourself at the ground and miss)
Time dose not store anything in it, cus its not realy there. It is a measurement.
QUOTE(Tango @ Nov 10 2006, 10:10 AM)
Time travel can and never will happen. A cofee cup that falls off a table and breaks will never pick itself up again and put itself together.
But if you could go back in time, the doffie cup would have never fallen...
QUOTE(xmrxsiegecopx @ Nov 10 2006, 01:37 PM)
You can't meet your future self on your -- The future self has to come to you. By going into the future for 15 minutes, you actually disappear for that 15 minutes, making your future self non-existent (Although you could still go back 15 minutes into the past and meet your 15 minute younger counterpart, but if this happened, your future gets changed entirely than if your future self never went into your timeline).
If I did meet 15 minute older self, I would have gained a new SC buddy. [right][snapback]586698[/snapback][/right]
That is the universal question. If you meet yourself, and you were 5 min in the past or whatever, will time loop forever for you.
QUOTE(Loser_Musician @ Nov 10 2006, 03:01 PM)
Exactly. The math involved behind travelling into the past is so extreme, that even god it's self may not even be able to do it.
Umm...... If there is a God, I'm sure he'd know how to do it...... Cus he created everything and all..... you know..... Being GOD