TRY LOWERING THE UNIT SIZES!!! 7000 units is a lot, I never reach over 3k :\ It gets hard to command a lot of units like that too, IMO Especially cavalry, it's so much eaiser to control cavalry when there isn't like 130 cavlary per unit
or not.
It's incredibly fun and I find it rather easy to control, flank, and set up.
Wanna hear something great? So I stormed Rome with carthage with about 5,000 troops and slaughtered the place.
Idk how many times the roman empires tried attacking me. I think after the 7th time of defending I got bored and send all my troops(it was like 1000 vs 2000..they had more) outside the walls. I STILL WON. It was getting so annoying.
Yes, that's one of the main issues. And what Blizzard did with WarCraft III was to completely ignore that and try to make the graphics as good as they possibly could. The result: Welcome to lag universe.
Wc3 was never ment for a high amount of units. If Wc3 main-game lags you...uhh.. please go mow some lawns and get $300.
...aside from being butt-ugly, you mean? No, seriously, they are way, way too cartoony. Like, compare this:
WarCraft III peon
to this:
WarCraft II faces
to this:
StarCraft marine
The order of cartooniness is pretty damn obvious.
Artistic style is an opinion.
I like WC3's style. You don't. End it there.
btw not all your links work.