So will games actually utilliize the 8 cores the PS3 has? I have a feeling the answer is going to be no, at least not to their full theoretical potential, but who knows..
The Ps3 has one core not in there to improve yields(number of working chips).
Then one is dedicated to the OS and can't be used for games.
This brings a total of 6 SPE's and one multi purpose core.
Still the PS3 has more than 3, it still could slow those three down because of all the work they do. I mean no matter how fast it may be over time they could slow down under the usage. In the PS3's case they will probably last longer at higher speeds.
You missed something. The Ps3 does not have more than 3 multi purpose processors. It has one. Then it has 6 SPE's that actual games can use. The SPE's are not multi purpose. In fact they have a different compiler from the main processor and have a VERY small cache.
Also lets consider this:
What does it take to compute what will be displayed? Well you have to know where each object is....so physics. What do the AI need to know in order to go from A to B. Objects in there way? So in order to do AI you may need to do physics and geometry first.
This becomes quite the limiting factor. So while you could split up the processes on different SPE's, when it all comes down to it......how much of a difference will it really mean? Yes there will be some difference and some significant differences. For instance being able to calculate shadows and lighting on it's own core is nice.
Anyway to make this really simple: An in order processor with no instrunction set and extremely small cache clocked at 3.2ghz != quick processor. Each SPE is not that quick because of the cache problem. In fact each SPE is not that quick to begin with(In order + no instruction set), I mean really there comparable to idk a P4 at like 1.6ghz when running actual code. The small cache really blows things down.
Although when it comes down to it all....draining every ounce and spending 1 year optimizing every little piece of code..yeah the Ps3 can be slightly faster than the 360. However for the most part... it will not be that big of a deal. The CPU's will generate similar performance.
The PS3's CPU's theoretical total floating point performance is like 218 or something, but that's not going to happen in games, because not every processor is dedicated to the game. Two of them wont be used for the games, I think.
Very much true! When it comes down to real performance you wont see the Ps3 hitting anywhere near 70gigaflops and not coming anywhere near 2teraflops.
2 Teraflops would be having all 8 SPE's, about 2 gigs of ram, and absolute amazing draw dropping optimized code that is ment to only show off flop power and nothing else.
Ya, they have 80 out now so 64 should be just fine to upgrade now because they are already past that. You dont have to wait for things to come out that only work on that, it just makes everything on that 80 or 64 run faster. The faster the better right!
Yeah dude do your research. There are 80bit processors. Your right.
However, there have been 256bit processors for a long time to.
Heres the deal:
80bit will never be used for Pc's(I rarely ever hear of processors being out of the 2^x spectrum).
Heres the deal(btw You have to -1 from all values. all values here all unsigned integers.):
2^64 power. Thats the biggest number a 64 processor can handle with no real slowdown.
However, what if you want a number that is 2^32 power or less.... Guess what? It will operate it slower than a 32bit processor.
All the bit means with a processor is how many bits it can compute at one time. With a 64bit processor you can do 64bits at one time. This allows for efficienty with bigger numbers. However.... for gaming..idk when you will need a number bigger than 2^64 power. In fact I will never know because.....well...lol..thats a huge number.
You said the 64's are out and that you should wait to let technology to come out to match it, well they have 80's so I dont think that 64's are too high tech.
64bit have been around for a long time. However it's just being pushed into PC's. Why? Because there has never been a need for it up until now...and even today there isn't that much of a demand for it.
Ah, I just read that the PS3 gpu can access the XDR Ram as well, so both the 360 and PS3 have 512mb of VRam. Sorry, heh heh.
Ps3 still has less the game can use?
The Ps3 OS takes 32megs of VRAM from the graphics card. Then it goes and takes 64megs from the XDR ram.
Thats more than the 360. Also this takes a specific work around that may be somewhat slower compared to accessing it directly.
Throw in the 360 GPU has dedicated ram for doing it's AA, giving it an even bigger edge with ram. That dedicated ram is there to do 4xAA up to 1080p. So at top notch resolutions, the 360 GPU will basically own.