That is scary good art.
Sory for the late replys.. im watching Alien... or maybe its Alien 2... idk...
anyway im pretty sure theres some way to but idk how
i knwo theres a way. click store up top^
then click send money, enter my name, then for amount put 1000
and (O_o) alien!!!!!! wut channel!!?!!?!?!?!
and last, thanks battlekruser.
There ya go.
I think its channel 48.
And can you move units owned by player 12?
Oh my god he just gave away 1000. What a stupid... fool. I wanted those minerals but I didn't think he was so stupid...
Im only here to post. I have no use for minerals.
yo. hes not stupid! i just helped him! thats all!
and channel 46 is mtv, must be diffrent states.
i think so... yeha u can, just use a trigger.
and Battle_Kruser, i saw you're atatcks! lol. just try and attack me now, i have the sTRONGEST DEFENCE wepons!
Im only here to post. I have no use for minerals.
Thats right u tell him!
yo do what you want! its a free contry!
A) i said channel 48
B) yeah, the channels arnt the same. over here mtv is like 72
lol, 48, even worse, nickalodian
Edit- wuts the channel name? like, not the channel, but like... discovery, tlc, mtv, etc.?
NEXT PAGE --------------------->
I drew this cool pic of fire... how do i take a screeen shot?(yes, i forgot again)
lol... simple, press the
buttin abve the insert buttin, then open paint and right click and paste, then save it as soemthing.
Where does the file go?
EDIT: let me rephrase that... What happens to the screen shot?
its basicly like copying a picture... you have to paste it
i got bored so i drew all over it...
damn the colors alittle off
edit: damn wrong file
edit2: there finally... is that a good fire? (it looked better befor i saved it as a jpeg file)
lol. well... its okay....
and damn, wut resolution u running on?????!?!?!!?!?!? try going a little bigger to 100by700... its a little bigger.
My dad
ed something up so i cant for some reason....
Im only here to post. I have no use for minerals
Then can I have the rest of your minerals? *makes a pleading face*
dont give him any. did he help u the much i did? if anyone deserves em, i do.
but im not saying give m ethem, im just saying he doesnt deserve em.
Lol, nobody deserves 1000 minerals for one little bit of help. Seriously. If he doesn't care, he doesn't care and if he cares he's stupid. You, illusion are just a con man out to get others minerals.
no u are. i wa sjust asking him for em, and he gave me them, dude. look im not out here for a fight or anything. i would have accepted a no. look. i dont wana fight with you. i hate having enemys.
mostly the reason i aske dhim or it was because he had so much minerals, and he wasent an the army screen, so i figured he dident use them, or was going to use them, so i aske dhim for it, and he said he doesnt use them for anything, so if he wasent useing them, then they go to waiste, and i coulda used them for something good, witch i did. and i also helped him with the drawing. i'd like to see you do that. but like i said before. im not out to start fights.
Yes, but if you really weren't after minerals, why would you ask for 1,000 f***ing minerals for 1 bit of help.
I mean it was so much I thought it was a joke until he gave 'em
acturly. it was kinda a joke... i dident expaect him to give me them. but i was like. woh! if you're givin me em, ill take em!
Well, ok, so why can't I rip him off too? Lol, point forgiven.
but im not ripping him off on purpose... and second, its not ripping off if you're giving them away.
w/e... Your stupid attacks on me only gained 9 minerals anyway...