I didn't make kills to cash yet

You just dont spawn in temple rpg, and all the mutas attacked you.thast not it, thats not how i made the map, and i even dled SEN verison of it, and it works fine. The way you played is is prolly messed up. You pick a unit, upgrade, then kill, .. complete the objecitves in w/e. What you said is wrong. It is not buggy. i happen to know alot of people who like the music. beisides. when it ends it ends. you can choose to listen to it again. And if other clans ask for a fourm, then 1st, have they? And if so, did they get it? Why not? why? But i know alomst that least 45% of the ppls on the forums hates bounds, so i am sure at this rate, clan oo might never get it. If any other clan gets it, thayts the web sites Admin job to figure out if he wants it to be on his site, or if he "deems" them worthy.
Oh and lets not forget this also, isolatedpurity said he wants to make sure that the clan is focused on maps. Yes We Are. And we try to make the kind of maps the people enjoy, so i am not going to change any of my maps just becuase one person says it screwed up for him, and he hates the music. The fact is for that, alot of people like the msuic, and thats y i see no need for a change.
Getting awfully defensive about the map are we? Well you can think what you want, and I'll go on thinking what I want about it. Ok? Good.
The only clan forum ever hosted on SEN is (U) and we asked them, not the other way around.
I believe I've made my decision, although, it is subject to change if anyone brings up some serious issue I haven't heard yet.
SEN should only provide hosting for websites that are in difficulties... Or thats what I thought it was with (U).
I mean, they can't stay forever here... No?
Why can't they stay here forever? I don't see (U) going anywhere

And a note to all... if for some reason you don't like seeing yet another forum for a clan, click this button:

after "Map making clans" and you won't have to see the category.
It's just a matter of "I'm a big boy now" or something

He's here, we give them popularity, and they give us nothing. I understand how it is that someone might want to help another without anytning in return, but this just shouldn't remain forever... For some reason.
They can start their own forums in the meanwhile and when its completed, just swich over.
Actually Shadow Paladin, you are wrong about that. They give us as much as we offer them. They get their own clan forum in which to discuss their clan, projects, members or whatever in which they are integrated with this sites features. They also get free advertising in which other map makers may wish to assosiate themselves with a clan. What we get, is the privledge of having several map making clans under one roof. This creative edge is something that no other website provides. They will also contribute to ideas and content on this website.
Its a win-win situation.
So what does it take to get a clan to have forum hosting here?
(I was thinking this might be able to get some advertising for a Map Making clan on west, Clan Invincible, of which I am the leader if i got a forum on here)
I'll go with the 3 'its'. Request it, prove it, use it.
First you request it, and prove your map clan is serious by showing some completed maps. Then we'll make it, give you moderator abilities, and you're off.
In the case that your clan dies or becomes super inactive (meaning, very little of your members come here anymore), we'll end up deleting it, which is why you should maybe make a rule for your members to join the discussion every once in a while. We don't want your forum just to take up space on the forum index page.
The only exception to this, is Clan (U)'s forums. I initially offered them hosting and am good friends. They have done wonders for this community, and the entire UMS SC gaming at that.
There is no more need for this topic, Clan aE has a forum on SEN and we thank Isolated Purity for that choice. People can close it now :D
P.S. Give me and aE[MASTER] mod power for our forum ;)
Done. If you have any further questions, PM one of us.
Enjoy your forum