1) UFO's (<--possessive) plural can have an apostrophe because it's an abbreviation. (take that, Ðk!)
2) "Staff" (back to LW's first post) can be considered a title, and therefore can be capitalized. (take that, LW!)
3) The proper use of the apostrophe is often omitted in casual typing. In the case of Yoshi's description of the previous SEN members, it's understandable... though, yeah, still incorrect.
4) Defense is the American way to spell "defence". For you see, when the first colonists arrived here, they hated British rules, and wanted to use these little differences to make the King as annoyed at them as they are at him. Actually, I kinda made this up.
5) Kinda: short for "kind of"; wanna: short for "want to". Note how I still used "wanted to" instead of "wanna", because the latter does not denote the past tense. Look them up in a dictionary, and they will not be there; however, this is not a government agency, nor an educational institution, but an internet website, so I say you live with it.
6) (Might have seen this used incorrectly on SEN before, can't be sure) Affect=verb. Effect=noun.
I was effected by the bad grammar. I was affected by the bad grammar. Exceptions are there, i.e., when "effect" is used as the meaning "1. To bring into existence. 2. To produce as a result. 3. To bring about." (it'd be a transitive verb), or "affect" is used as "1. Feeling or emotion, especially as manifested by facial expression or body language." (it'd be a noun).