Okay, I will. *Hito gets sued by Universal Studios for copyright violations (Back To The Future). Hito loses the case, and is chopped apart by Universal's interdimensional apemen ninjas* "Cool..." *Kicks a little man*
*Syphon sits in a booth every night for 17 weeks writing a story with striking similarity to the hitch hiker guide to the galaxy.
*Voyager7456(MM) comes back to 'life' as an undead Egg Ninja and beats Wilhelm with an inflatable banana.
*Syphon Attempts to publish the hitch hikers guide to terrain.
*Wilhelm tickles Voyager until he falls into a pit filled with very, very angry dwarves.*
*Plays with a match and a bottle of alcohol.
[center]*Plays with iodine crystals and ammonia*
*Plays with chlorine and bleach*
*Plays with magnesium and water*[/center]
*Plays with enzymes and vaccines and creates a cure for cancer, then drops the bottle*
*Uses Mr.Camo's avatar on Mr.Camo
"Lol! Wait, I'm dead."
[center]*Hands roofied drink to Camo*
"Prepare for secks."[/center]
*Sits in the shadows...*
*steals 2 dollars and runs out door
*Adolf Simpson starts killing people in this bar
"I got some German AK47's, who are the terrorists with me?!?"
[center]*Empties arsenal at Kow_Lover*
*Hits Kow_Lover with an APIT bullet*
"Teach you to take 2 bucks!"
(APIT = Armor Piercing Incendiary Tracer)[/center]
*Voyager7456(MM) crawls out of the pit, sword stained with blood. 
*walks in with a werewolf costume carrying a flag that has "its my birthday on October 25" on it.*
"Its my damn birthday!!! Im 11 years old!!! So can I have a glass of wine there pal?"
*sees the sign on the wall - NO MINORS ALLOWED - *
*gets kicked out of the bar*
"Damn It! 7 years to go."
*Puts a crucifix on the walla nd prays.*
*Starts using the German AK-47 on everybody in this bar except for the two known terrorists I know.
[center]*Throws a COB covered in duct tape (Sticky side out) at a passing cop*
"5 second fuse."
*5, 4, 3, 2, 1...*