A sack of rotton bleu cheese (must eat it with the fungus)
Fries or Nuggets

White or Black >>
Signature OR Avatar ?
your avater
Jammed's avater or my signature
Jammed's avvie.
Sorry 7-7, but I like the spirals lol.
My left nut or right nut ?
I would kick the left nut
lol or lmao
Big bob or the twins?
Big bob because he is big
lol or lmao because no one answered!
Neither LMFAO is better
Dark archon or fartys dark archon?
Dark archon, I do prefer green, but since it looks like a graphical represnetation of a fart, i must say no.
Is that true? You'll never know.
Metroid prime, or metroid prime 2?
The second one
School or Work
You gota go to school to get the work.
Choose to eat...
A container of fried doo,doo rings dipped in honey ranch (x-tra soft + bad breath)
A cup of melted down bloo cheese mixed with rotton banana peels,crunched up stale bread and relish all in a cup to drink. (must eat it with green fungus)
A container of fried doo,doo rings dipped in honey ranch (x-tra soft + bad breath)
Yellow or Pink
Choose to eat...
A pizza with doo,doo sauce,stale crust and doo,dooroni
A bag of salted manure chips with X-tra spicy brown flavouring
A pizza with doo,doo sauce,stale crust and doo,dooroni, because I just love doo, doo, not
Television or Intenrnet
Horse doo,doo flavoured chocolate barz
Horse doo,doo Burger X-tra soft with doo,doo sauce
freak your options man they both freakin suck and some day ima freakin kill you, doo doo isnt freakin funny you freakin idiot, get a freakin life and i wish you could just freakin die.
You know I'm kidding *hugs jordannnnnnnnnnnnnnNNNNNNNNNNNNNnnnnnnnnNNNNNN*
JordanN or Jordann?
(a+2)(a-2) or a squared - 4
(a+2)(a-2) a=7

Wrong or Write
Right or Write? ( Or wright? )
To write this!
Starcraft:Ghost in 3 years or Starcraft 2 in 10238327 decades
QUOTE(7-7 @ May 24 2006, 03:31 PM)
(a+2)(a-2) a=7

Wrong or Write
how can a=7 if (a+2)(a-2) does not equal anything?
Starcraft 2 in 10238327 decades