*sigh* writing tutorial...
Tutorials take prioity in my opinion.
Here is the tutorial to add on to your current one. It is almost exactly a copy of my previous tutorial becuase I'm lazy.
Infested SCVsUsing IceCC to edit the "Iscript.bin" file.Iscripts, they do more then you think they do![/center]
Disclaimer: This is not a tutorial on how to write custom iscripts or substantially change iscripts, if you want to learn that, talk to someone like BSTRhino. This tutorial is meant to
teach you how to use IceCC. Future iscript tutorials (by me at least) will assume you know this and will deal with the actual language itself.Before starting: IceCC's Iscript.bin file might be out of date. To update it open your patch_rt.mpq in
WinMPQ and drag the
"scripts\ISCRIPT.BIN" file into C:\IceCC\data\scripts
1. Download, install and open
IceCC. Make sure that you install it into your C:\ drive, or else you might get an error message.
2. Double click on the file called "IceCCUI"
3. Select Terran SCV from the units header and press the decompile button.
4. Click the "Open in editor" button. IceCCUI should create a file called "Iscript.txt" in the IceCC folder. Notepad should then open that file.
5. You should see some text like this:
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# This is a decompile of the iscript.bin file './data\scripts\iscript.bin'
# created on: Mon Jun 06 21:01:17 2005
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
6. Unminimize notepad, and go to where it says:
AirAttkRpt [NONE]
SpAbility2 [NONE]
GndAttkToIdle SCVGndAttkToIdle
AirAttkToIdle [NONE]
Then replace the "[NONE]" next to SpAbility2 with SCVSpAbility2
7. Write the following inbetween "SCVGndAttkInit" and "SCVGndAttkToIdle"
wait 1
playfram 0x11 # frame set 1
wait 2
playfram 0x22 # frame set 2
wait 1
sigorder 2
wait 1
goto SCVOther
8. Save the .txt file. Open the command line prompt by going to RUN and typing in "cmd".
Type: cd C:\IceCC
Type: icecc -o "C:\my modding folder\iscript.bin" C:\IceCC\data\scripts\iscript.bin C:\IceCC\iscript.txt
( Silence is good, error messages are bad. Don't re do it just because it didn't say "DONE!". IceCC never says DONE.)
Explanation: Ice cc is the txt to bin compiler. The syntax is -[options] <input 1> <input 2> <input n>
The option "o" tells IceCC to write the compiled .bin file to <input> instead of the defult directory.
What you are basically saying is: Merge the files "C:\IceCC\data\scripts\iscript.bin" and "C:\IceCC\iscript.txt" and write the result to "C:\my modding folder\iscript.bin"
IceCC will compile any .txt files it comes across (it's main function actually).
11. Add your new Isciprt file to your MPQ and run it. You should know how to do this.
To DTDK: I haven't tested this. If would be so kind as to do the honors. Just add this file to the MPQ of the mod in your memgraft tutorial
I did it pretty sketchily in about 2 seconds. I hope there are no huge errors.