3rd great idea posted here.
Kinda similar to the banning one discussed at the beginning though.
The whole concept of using the death trigger to change various memory addresses should be doable with other triggers too, like Set Resources, Set Score and Set Alliance status.
What happens when you Set the Vespene for player -6766 to 200?
One thing is for sure... It would be damn cool to be able to change the map tiles in game!
They disabled Extended Switches and Alliances. I'm pretty sure they disabled Resources and Score as well.
That's the biggest act of cruelty Blizzard has commited
I've been gone from the mapping world for some time so I don't want to be flamed for this, but could someone kindly explain to me what EUD Triggers are? I want all the details you can give.
QUOTE(Kirby @ Oct 15 2005, 11:52 AM)
No, Enemy_Forces did not edit the map, Fox_Shotzo did... I have the unprotected version.
.. Hehe.. Heh. You like it?
And by the WAY......
those 8 squares up at the top left, are supposed to contain a probe of the person who hacks. I had not forseen that it would de-synch that player. And the string with the "Attention" thing, yea... It throws a switch to tell all the players that the players with probes are hacking.
I've worked on a version to drop players who load maphack in the middle of a game.. It works by detecting the []Map message, and giving 1000 resources to the offending player, effectively de-synchronizing them from the game, to prevent them from using it.
Oh, and I'm working on a EUD-based banning system fo' laggas. I'll post it when it's completed and fully functional
And I'm done with the bannin system.. but you guys can't really *use* it cuz your name isn't FoX_Shotzo !
Could you send me the unprotected version?
I would like to add detection for when the player drops because they hack, everyone else will see: Player (#) was droped for hacking!
I also would like to add other triggers such as giving units to the ally of a leaving player.
Another thing on my to-do list is to crash the hacking player (by disabling the lose trigger using a switch and then to display a crashing symble (which was in "Don't Click The Flag"))
On a different note: searching for "map hack light" doesnt work if the map hack is ALREADY ON (this can be done by turning it on in an earlier game and leaving it on)
ALSO (another edit): using text detection regardless (other than intentional droping) could cause players to drop
(What I see)
Line 1: <From: someone_who_has_me_on_friends_list> hi all
Line 2: me: Cheat!
(everyone else)
Line 1: me: Cheat!
would cause me to drop as for everyone else their comp would fire the trigger for line 1 and mine would for line 2 (i believe there is a mis-fire check)
NOTE: The above may be wrong as I didnt test it. Feel free to add corrections.
Hmm... how about using Text Detection to make passwords. Doesn't have to be complicated, just look for the first character of the name. It'd really cut down on people sharing passwords to skip levels.
well when the game starts, have a trigger that detects name length for each player and have a units deaths represent name length, so just look for the :, im not sur if it would work, but im just sayin
QUOTE(Maged123 @ Oct 21 2005, 10:25 PM)
Could you send me the unprotected version?
I would like to add detection for when the player drops because they hack, everyone else will see: Player (#) was droped for hacking!
I also would like to add other triggers such as giving units to the ally of a leaving player.
Another thing on my to-do list is to crash the hacking player (by disabling the lose trigger using a switch and then to display a crashing symble (which was in "Don't Click The Flag"))
On a different note: searching for "map hack light" doesnt work if the map hack is ALREADY ON (this can be done by turning it on in an earlier game and leaving it on)
ALSO (another edit): using text detection regardless (other than intentional droping) could cause players to drop
(What I see)
Line 1: <From: someone_who_has_me_on_friends_list> hi all
Line 2: me: Cheat!
(everyone else)
Line 1: me: Cheat!
would cause me to drop as for everyone else their comp would fire the trigger for line 1 and mine would for line 2 (i believe there is a mis-fire check)
NOTE: The above may be wrong as I didnt test it. Feel free to add corrections.
There would be no misfire. It will just cause them to not drop when everyone else drops, and instead, drop 10 "drops" later. =o
Have each user input their name length at the beginning of the game, or better yet, detect where the colon is in their name, and work from there.
eg. A: test
The trigger would look for : from 1-4, 5-8 until it finds it, and stores that somewhere, like a switch and then using switches, enable that set of commands for that player.
this would be awesomefor war maps such like
Red: Group 1 Attack Citidal
then Group 1 would attack the citidal
But If You Would Have To Shorten it like
Red: G 1 A C
Problems: What If Group 1 dies? What Would It Be Like?
I guess there just wouldn't be any group to attack with? This is interesting I'm going to experiment with this because right now it's confusing to me.
Edit: I just tested it, that's pretty cool This could have some real use. You could have it so in a map there could be like a God and he could type like Kill P1 Units and that would kill all their units or maybe Kill P1 1 Marine or something . What's EUD? I'm noob.
Btw, if this text detection thing worked, you could type in keywords and actually talk to computers?
Civ: Hi, I'm Ciell, a Miner.
fm47: Miner?
Civ: Yes, we may be dirty and sweaty and not very pleasant to smell, but we are the base, the foundation of our great city, Galad.
fm47: You smell.
Civ: Like the tavern mutton sandwiches!
fm47: You, seriously smell.
Civ: I apologize.
fm47: Galad?
Civ: Yes, our great city. It is just above. Though we are the sweat-workers down here, above are many nobles, born with status higher than we can imagine.
OOOOk.. i just thought of a story and i am now going to write it, rofl
It's very rudimentary, and there is no InStr() support... so keywords are soooo out of the question; unless you've got a ton of time... =P
Wait, I think I missed it. Is this system possible?
Could I set up a trigger system for menus that would allow for me to imput text like I would a bot?
would open up a menu if triggered out?
If this is possible, how come so many maps have not used it yet?
It boggles the mind.
Someone has to test this. I was just speaking with SI about it and he isn't sure either.
The question is whether a server split (game split) will occur if 2 different triggers are run with the same actions.
SI: sorry, my guess is it wont split
LW: np
SI: but triggers using waits etc can change that
SI: or if SC only executes a portion of all triggers per tick
SI: and it just happens to split up the 2 identical action ones into 2 ticks
SI: then split
text detection would be good for making the map detect if the creator is playing
dunno wut u said legacy, but it made me thirsty *grabs a pepsi*
Alright so basicly you guys are saying that you could detect text that is being displayed? This would help out a lot with a password map i am trying to make. If it is too hard I might just make it so you can save the game, and have to insert the password by dropship or something.
So is this truely possible. Like how would you detect the : and wouldnt it be messed up if someone put one of those into the text like
IceFire: Hey: I just like these: dont you?:::::
But Basicly I just want to know if you could detect it, and then make it make a unit like 1-4 if it is in the 1-4 name, or 5-6 if it is there or something. I know i am confusing myself a bit, but can you explain a little.
I think its possible,
EUD can detect alot of unseen things, so why not this? You can see it! We can make it interact with the player!
I'm so confused... How does EUD Text Detection work?
Um. I'm confused, weren't EUD conditions patched by Blizzard so you can't do it in the current version? The game patch descriptions calls it "Fixed several bugs that contributed to game exploits."
If they fixed it why are we still discussing new uses for it?
someone has already asked that question. I dont know why blizzard would patch out text detection, i think that they should add it to the origonal map editor.
Well i have tryed to do this, and when i get to the part where it says to type in what texzt you want to detect, it wont let me type...
If someone already asked my question then why isn't this thread locked or something? If you can't do it anymore then we should forget about it and move on.
Then i guess that the answer is no, blizzard must have missed it or somethin. I dont know.
Also it would be cool so you can give your units verbal commands like
Probe- Mine minerals