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Staredit Network -> Clan Oo -> OMGWUT?!
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Oo.ZeALoT.oO on 2005-04-30 at 16:04:44
Hey ZeALoT to tell you the truth I will never get sick of Rpg's. It just in my blood to love Rpg's! Hope more people keep on making them, they will never get boring for me because that just what I love to play.

I'm not at all saying I dont like em or anything, I enjoy them too.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Staredit.Net Essence on 2005-04-30 at 17:37:15
As I've said before I need help with my new map... =/ Sry guys but its going no where if I can't get a couple of ideas...

Needed: 2 more items for my missile dodge map.

Current Items:
-Bomb (sets a bomb)
-Invincibility (invincible for 7 secs)
-Invisible Wall (creates a trail of cloaked ghosts)
-Unit Slow Down (slows down your ling)
-Lights Out (turns off vision)
-+1 Life For All (plus one likfe for all players)

I require 2 more items to finish my map... Please help!!

(if any1 knows how to speed up a zergling without remove/create please share)

Thanks guys!! happy.gif
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Oo.ZeALoT.oO on 2005-04-30 at 17:56:15
I don't get Dynasty hes never on Sc and i havnt seen all these maps hes made.. come on sc Dynasty u always talk here but ur never on

His computer is broken snipe, but when its not hes very active smile.gif
Solar should make a topic named, "Oo History" and write all that stuff in.. That would be so awsome!!

Hydra I was just gonna say the same smile.gif
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Oo.TemPesT.oO on 2005-04-30 at 19:18:50
how about some item that gives you multiple lings?
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Staredit.Net Essence on 2005-04-30 at 19:29:38
that would be a good idea, but I got a location centered on the ling. =/
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Oo.TemPesT.oO on 2005-04-30 at 22:14:27
how about...a player swap with other players on the field location wise...
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Staredit.Net Essence on 2005-04-30 at 23:25:51
It may work.. and I appreciate the ideas dyn. thanks. biggrin.gif
Report, edit, etc...Posted by SkiLLz on 2005-04-30 at 23:33:32
lose life for all?

Freeze! (Leaves only coins coming and lings for a frenzy)
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Staredit.Net Essence on 2005-04-30 at 23:50:44
in my game, the probability to get each item is the same, therefore, the items can not have a huge gameplay effect. Just little thigs, that have a fun yet small effect.. Know what I mean?
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Oo.TemPesT.oO on 2005-05-01 at 01:06:04
hydra i got an idea u collect items??cause u could make one that like somehow randomizes item swaps with other players or something
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Staredit.Net Essence on 2005-05-01 at 19:26:39
Thanks a lot for the help guys. biggrin.gif But what myself and a few people who helped me over have come to the conclusion of making some items more probable to get than other. This way instead of having 2 extra items, 2 of my items will be more probable to get than others.

Thanks guys!! I appreciated your ideas. smile.gif
Report, edit, etc...Posted by slayer766 on 2005-05-01 at 20:07:18
Alright for right now I have a total number of two maps currently under production. They would be:

Antara Total Chaos Rpg- Demo Release - Unavailable
Max Players 1
Map Size 256x256
Jungle Terrain
[progress]20[/progress] pinch.gif

[progress]12[/progress] crazy.gif

Map is summarized simply about the main kingdom of Antara has lost their beloved king, who has vanished from the kingdom. AzramanII son of Krobelus The King Of Antara needs to discover where his father has went. On his journey he will encounter many foes, items, bosses, and companions to join him in his search.
Here is the link to my map Antara Total Chaos Rpg

Mortal Kombat Deception Rpg- Demo Release - Unavailable
Max Players 4
Map Size 256x256
Puzzle/Combat Rpg
Badlands Terrain
[progress]15[/progress] disgust.gif


Storyline will be very similar to the Konquest mode in MK Deception. Venture your way along helping out others solving puzzles to gain Exp. or MK Kurrency. Collect Kurrency to buy items such as Stamina potions, Green Leafs, and more. The battle system will be like the Classical Final Fantasy Battle System, once you touch another enemy unit you get warped to a battlefield. Each player has there own battlefield to fight on. If anyone has any suggestions about my Mortal Kombat map please do tell me. Thanks.
*Stamina System Added*
Alright here is the link to my Mortal Kombat map Mortal Kombat Deception Rpg
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Oo.ZeALoT.oO on 2005-05-02 at 22:10:41
Those sound pretty cool slayer, looking forward to seing them done.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Staredit.Net Essence on 2005-05-02 at 22:52:52
Yeah same, sounds awsome!! gL wit em.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Red2Blue on 2005-05-03 at 02:11:16
Even though you have finished brainstorming, ill add one for the road.

Im currently making all unique bounds. Im getting mixed results from the neo-styled objectives. Many people are traditionalists.

A tourney styled map, with 3x3 2x2 tiles. Each player is separated into their own boxes. The players will compete to get the highest score. The twist: the explosions will appear with both blue AND red explosions at the same time. This makes way for orange explosions, which are the demonstation and real.

There will be two modes, tournament mode, and progression mode.

Tournament mode will offer 20 obs with set patterns.

Progression mode will offer some unique gameplay and strategy. The explosions will be randomly created and added to the patterns. Each player starts with 10 points. Each death will subtract 2 points, and every 10 patterns, the game will reset the player's lings and add a new global or local handicap to the game which will stack. Global affects all players, local affects a specific player. Handicaps include all sorts of ailments. Slower lings, blockades, faster/slower obs, harder randomizations, random real, more/less points, and etc. (Heck theres even a handicap that changes your ling to an ultra as well as some super rare progressions that will randomly appear in the latter stages). The progression mode continutes until someone wins (gains 30 points), or everyone loses.

As an added feature, there will be unique mini-games that appear in the progression mode. Doing good in these unique mini-games will ease your local ailments or completely remove them.

(I know this map was supposed to be released a while back but... I got lazy and I had to do some more work on it).
Report, edit, etc...Posted by slayer766 on 2005-05-03 at 10:38:01
Yeah thanks alot guys. I might push back the demo releases for them because of school getting in the way, I have to be working my ass off the years almost over. biggrin.gif Then once summer does come I will definetly have alot of spare time of my hands to complete both of those maps. But the demo will definetly be released before summer. The one map thats coming along great is my MK Deception one. There will be lots of quests to do, quests from the real game are planted into my map. Any other suggestions about my maps please feel free to give me any tips or anything.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Staredit.Net Essence on 2005-05-03 at 15:05:09
Damn school... disgust.gif
Report, edit, etc...Posted by hynk on 2005-05-03 at 15:39:35
sounds great slayer! Good Job! thumbup.gif
I'm looking forward to seeing them finished biggrin.gif

and school sucks disgust.gif
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Oo.TemPesT.oO on 2005-05-04 at 08:43:24
still nothing about master mode red? oh well i guess i can wait smile.gif
Report, edit, etc...Posted by slayer766 on 2005-05-04 at 10:19:13
Yeah, school does suck. But just to tell everyone I cannot use the internet at my house anymore, I don't know why, there is a major problem with my internet server and I haven't been able to use the internet for a while. So the only time that I get to use the internet is at school for only about 10 minutes. So hynk and everyone I will see ya one I get my internet back working.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Snipe on 2005-05-04 at 12:04:47
i love school smile.gif
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Oo.ZeALoT.oO on 2005-05-04 at 22:26:02
*cough* NERD
Report, edit, etc...Posted by scwizard on 2005-05-05 at 00:32:49
The simles make me go laugh.gif
Making maps can be fusterating...
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Oo.Deamon.oO on 2005-05-05 at 22:51:57
I know several of you have gmail accounts, but I still have like 500 invites left that must be used.

Gmail is email run by Google, and you have about 2.5 GB of space. (I have double accounts and have everything I need stored on one in case I ever reformat my comp)

It is the best email I have ever seen, and is fast, secure, etc.

For an invite to register, post your email address here and your first and last name. happy.gif
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Staredit.Net Essence on 2005-05-05 at 22:59:23 lol tongue.gif jk man, but nah I'm cool wit what I got.! wink.gif
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