Omg someone should make legal defence, where they make statements to try to prove their client is innocent!
Ya, anything can be a defence map.

You guys know what I mean though right?
Uped the jackpot from 40 to 100.
uhh I prob wont be entering due to loss in Eud conditions but ill still judge and ill add 100 minerals to the jackpot do u want me to send them now or later?
I guess I'll send it to you right now.

wut u mean "I guess ill send them to you right now" unless your maps done you dont need to send anything im contributing to the map winner because im judging
You may send the minnerals if you want. I sent melleniumarmy a PM but he never replied. It was to get this in the new forum.
well good news Chance Defense has official been taken

started yesturday and have most of it planned out. it might be alittle advance for some people but everyone should understand it within the first 10 minutes hopefully
I might submit Hallucinate Defense depending on if I can finish it on time and sending minerals for the pot
i mean i'm sending the entrance fee. btw i already sent 20 minerals.

Hey, can i submit two maps? also, can i submit a map and then make changes to it later?
Also Someone needs to get this in the news section, or make a new thread there.
I'll make a new thread tomarow.
You may submit up to 3 maps. You may update your map.
Ok I'll add your name to the list.
I have submitted it for the admin to check if it's news.
it rly is news. should of been posted in news at the begining would of had alot more participants. Well maybe next time you'll know where to

do i have to sent the mins in now or when i submit the map?
Wich ever you want. Yes I though only admin could post in the news now I know though.
i will be balence judge! plzzzzz since i cant enter a map
Why can't you, but yes you can.
I have a feeling I'll get a decent score since so little people are entering. So far only 2 people signed up right?
Okay I just submited my first map to the DLDB and when it is in there, I will pay the 20 mins for it. I have another far more complex defense coming, and it should be ready by no later than mid February (Possibly done by end of Jan)
You need to go ahaead and put up a new topic in the News section. That way, more people will know about it and it will be more official. I would do it but its not my contest so I don't feel right about it. It needs to have all of the rules posted and people who have entered into the contest as well. Since people who have not joined yet need as much time to do their map as possible, You need to get this up there as soon as possible.
BTW-- how many people are juding triggers? If you can, please make it more than two.
OK I have already submitted it to the news as I said before. I will extend the deadline once it's been aproved. If all the judge spots are taken I will add more but for now it's going to stay four people.
so.. is this gonna be in news? or wut.. we need more competition.. or ill win!

(just being cocky)
For it to be displayed, an admin has to okay it. He has already submitted it but It has not yet been okayed.
Also, the dldb keepers need to hurry and put in the new files.
You can't really rush the DLDB keepers because they're already busy. They'll check it when they have time. Yes I agree this should be in the news section. Would make it a lot more of a tourny.
It will be you can just pm me the map.
EDIT: w00t post 100!!