As for BW, the Army Size Limit SYSTEM was just a system of increasing your army size limit whenever you capture more and more cities/capitals until a certain point which will have you at 300 army limit. That's taken out because of unbalancement. Now we have a single permanent Army Size Limit set up for every player.
Good questions guys, keep 'em comin'.

Ah ok, that makes alot more sense I see I just misunderstood what the original limit was about.
BW, can you please hook me up with those maps, maybe put 'em in a zip? Thanks.
Also, to Pyro, that system of yours will use "Units". I specifically said, no units/locations. Nice try.
Sure thing, are you using USEast or USWest? I can't remember but from their we can exchange AIM's or something and I can zip'em and send you the good ones. I can only send 48 of the 50 though since the other two are closed betas I'm not supposed to send anyone. I'm sure you have some of them as you made some and some others are played alot on but I'm also sure I coulda add a few to your collection at least :-).