QUOTE(Doodle77(MM) @ Sep 17 2006, 10:20 PM)
And people are warned, banned etc for it.
And its quite evident that this has worked.
QUOTE(Felagund @ Sep 17 2006, 10:23 PM)
Guys, why are you fighting with Mike? Mike, I guess there really isn't hope for a lot of SEN. It's lost... I dunno... its passion.
I know there isn't. I'm still attached to a site that I spent two years on working on and raising. I just can't believe it would come to something like this. It was only a few weeks ago some of the same people were debating to me about how protection is necessary to keep author credits on and yet they completely rip off of LWs idea and run it without him. He should of been the one to bring it up and support it.
QUOTE(Falkoner @ Sep 17 2006, 10:25 PM)
Ya know, the word 'wiki' hasn't even shown up in the past 5 posts...
Who cares. It's like every other topic, never on subject.