QUOTE(TheDaddy0420 @ Nov 12 2006, 04:15 PM)
Medicine, mecial supplies, and other medical items cost ALOT of money. It costs money to heal some one or keep some one alive or save some one from death. Many illegals do not have the money to pay for that and do not have insurance. I believe that hospitals cannot refuse a person who very very hurt or is going to die, which means the illegals go to the hospital, basically get free medical health, and then leave. The hospitals are saving these illegals with money out of their own pockets, which meannnnnnnsss (im tired lol) that hospitals lose money when they accept the MANY illegals who do not have health insurance and the money to pay for it.
Yes, that is true. But you missed the point. If there are a lot more people in an area, espeicially one consisting of a lot of immigrants,
the state will subsidize a company to build ANOTHER hospital there.
And If a person ever gets mad that their tax money is helping american workers stay alive, then drop kick that self important cock sucker.
The biggest point for immigration is that children of immigrants help the future enconomy so much, it's astronomical. If we magically stopped all illegals from entering the country, america's GDP and military would be no where near it could be 30 years from now. And that is NOT an opinion.
Illegals are just like scvs in starcraft. They cost money as first, and sometimes cost more supply depots. But in the end, you get so much more in return.