[quote=Snake)Ling,Nov 9 2006, 04:45 PM]
Ah, how come you make assumptions about me, then you tell me not to make assumptions about you? (see later in post)
It wasn't as assumption, it was a fact...
[quote=Snake)Ling,Nov 9 2006, 04:45 PM]
I remmember that thread where you said I was censoring you.
http://www.staredit.net/index.php?showtopi...ndpost&p=473391Yep. You freaking mean person, I still can't believe you'd have the lunacy to say that.
I wouldn't be calling out anyone that their speech was lunacy if I said this:
Bullshiz and go fark yourself.
And you also talked about Priests (earlier post)
[quote=Snake)Ling,Nov 9 2006, 04:45 PM]
Dislike is the opposite of like. Dislike does not mean "not like", it means "anti-like", or rather, a lite version of hate. I remmember you supported planting surveillance cameras in mosques but not churches. What the hell?
I for one do not agree with the move[/quote]
let the lies roll on in....
[quote=Snake)Ling,Nov 9 2006, 04:45 PM]
It is, infact, about all of us. If you get involved in this debate, we debate your views, and in another sense, you.
I still don't see the connection...
I started this topic to discuss Islam, not whether I like it. Do you think the weather channel reports the weather? Or if they like the weather or not?
See the difference?
[quote=Snake)Ling,Nov 9 2006, 04:45 PM]
The way that governments in the middle east treat their people is not related to their religion, it's related to their culture. They use religion to justify it, sure, but that doesn't mean that's what the religion preaches.
Sure, I support Israel, too.
[quote=Snake)Ling,Nov 9 2006, 04:45 PM]
[quote=THEDaddy]Clear things up?
Don't tell me what I understand or don't understand. And sadly, YES, people can generalize and do generalize Islam everyday. It can be done effectively too. Which is sad.
Where? Yea, thought so. Calm down...[/quote]
Where'd you generalize? When you freaking applied some quote from the Koran and then applied it to the whole of Islam and all Muslim people. Yeah, I think that might be generalization.
http://www.staredit.net/index.php?showtopi...ndpost&p=473391Yep, you.
I didn't ask where I generalized, I asked where I said this:
You calling all Muslims intolerant
idiots who are
ultra-violent and
evil [/quote]
If you could find where I said that I will give you a million dollars.