I dunno if it is tile or microtile. One more problem I have with getting out the correct transition from high to low
Nope, 3 colors must be fine. Otherwise SC's prgrammers would have a severe problem:
Locations can have 3 types of elevation, times 2 because of the air/ground thing. So there should be no more than 3 different height levels overall.
Example: Jungle
Low: Water, Dirt, Mud, Jungle, Rocky Ground, Ruins, Raised Jungle
Medium: High Dirt, High Jungle, High Ruins, Temple, High Raised Jungle
High: High Temple
I got those from the way SC lets you look up cliffs ingame. I did more precise tests with triggers/locations on Ice tileset once (if you implement this, place a ramp to high outpost and laugh
), so I guess I am right on these height levels.
Some more stuff that I didn't test, just guess (pretty sure, though):
- Badlands should only have 2 height levels, Ashworld as well
- Low platform is low, Platform is medium, High Platform is high. Works best here, on most other tilesets "High whatever" is usually medium.
- Sandy sunken pit and sunken ground are both on the same level as the surrounding terrain, just like raised jungle.