The only good that can possibly come from designer babies is making people less prone to diseases.
only good that can possibly come from getting rid of nukes is avoiding the destruction of the human race. That's nothing, right?
If you want to be a clone out of an army of alike clones, think again. I am me, and am happy about that.
Clones and people with good genes are two very different things.
Greater technological and medical advancements leads to the fall of man and the self destruction of humankind.
I agree. You should revert to a naked caveman and destroy your computer, house, and everything else.
Stop saying things that don't make any sense, you never bother to back them up with evidence anyways.
The fact that the person is not perfect makes people interesting and diverse. You want to kill diversity in people? You want to make us all alike, like animals?
That doesn't make any sense.
1. Humans all look alike already, they only have slight differences.
2. You can't make everyone like an animal, because they already are animals.
3. Everyone has different preferences, a mother might think the perfect child has black hair and blue eyes, while another thinks it's yellow/brown.
4. Who said anything about genes making you perfect? They just make you "desirable", like clothes. I'm sure you don't want us to strip off all our clothes.
And what will making all humans "better" achieve?
That really makes sense. No wait, it doesn't.
If you make every car company use fuel efficient cars, there will be no difference right? I mean wrong.
That means cars will have better fuel efficiency and cars would be improved for humans to use. You're comparing something to itself, which you can't do.